4.md 18 KB


4.1 EB渠道(跳转)

序号 名称 长度 类型 参数名称 备注
1 姓名 32 文本 trxn_firstname This is name of the customer who is doing the transaction.
2 邮箱 40 文本 trxn_email_id this is email id of the customer who is doing transaction.
3 电话 20 文本 trxn_phone Phone number of the customer.

4.2 UP渠道(跳转)

序号 名称 长度 类型 参数名称 备注
1 银联卡号 19 文本 uCardNumber 境外银联通道,适用于银联优计划。可以不上送,若需要提前填入银行卡号,则上送此字段。

4.3 WX渠道(含跳转和参数返回)

序号 名称 长度 类型 参数名称 备注
1 交易场景代码 16 文本 code 1.“NATIVE“:为参数返回方式,返回微信收款URL值, 要求商户将其转换为 QR 码,自己生成支付前端界 面,提示用户扫码付款; 2.“QUICK”:为跳转方式,打开 AllPay 提供的前端页面,页面包含微信 QR 码

4.4 PPRO相关渠道(跳转)

4.4.1 PPRO_AC

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}

Note: AstroPay Card is available for currency USD and country codes BO, BR, CL, CN, CO, CR, MX, PE, UY, VE.

4.4.2 PPRO_AD

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}

Note: AstroPay Direct is available for currency USD and country codes AR, BR, CL, CN, CO, MX, PE, UY.

4.4.3 PPRO_AR

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
nationalid M 文本 Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
dob O 文本 Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD

Note: Aura (Brazil) is available for currency USD and country code BR.

4.4.4 PPRO_BA

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
nationalid M 文本 Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
dob O 文本 Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD

Note: Baloto Cash (Colombia) is available for currency USD and country code CO.

4.4.5 PPRO_BB

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
nationalid M 文本 Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
dob O 文本 Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD

Note: Banco do Brasil (Brazil) is available for currency USD and country code BR.

4.4.6 PPRO_BO

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
nationalid M 文本 Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
dob O 文本 Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD

Note: Boleto Bancario is available for currency USD and country code BR.

4.4.7 PPRO_CC

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
nationalid M 文本 Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
dob O 文本 Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD

Note: Cartao MercadoLivre (Brazil) is available for currency USD and country code BR.

4.4.8 PPRO_DR

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
phone M 文本 Valid international phone number of the account holder

Note: Dragonpay is only available for currency PHP and country code PH.

4.4.9 PPRO_EN

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
phone M 文本 Valid international phone number of the account holder

Note: eNETS is only available for currency SGD and country code SG.

4.4.10 PPRO_EP

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.

Note: eps only works for the countrycode “AT” and currency “EUR”.

4.4.11 PPRO_GP

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
bic O 文本 Valid BIC (8 or 11 alphanumeric letters) of consumer’s bank

4.4.12 PPRO_HC

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
nationalid M 文本 Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
dob O 文本 Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD

Note: Hipercard (Brazil) is available for currency USD and country code BR.

4.4.13 PPRO_ID

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.

Note: iDEAL only works for the countrycode “NL” and currency “EUR”.

4.4.14 PPRO_IT

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
nationalid M 文本 Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
dob O 文本 Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD

Note: Itaú (Brazil) is available for currency USD and country code BR.

4.4.15 PPRO_MB

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.

Note: MyBank only works for the country code IT and currency EUR.

4.4.16 PPRO_PC

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}

4.4.17 PPRO_PB

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
phone M 文本 Valid international phone number of the account holder

Note: PAYSBUY Cash is only available for currency THB and country code TH.

4.4.18 PPRO_PU

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder

Note: PayU works only for country code/currency combinations CZ/CZK and PL/PLN.

4.4.19 PPRO_PL

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.

Note: POLi only works for the countrycode/currency combinations “NZ”/”NZD” and “AU/AUD”.

4.4.20 PPRO_P24

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder

Note: Przelewy24 only works for the countrycode “PL” and currencies “PLN” and “EUR”.

4.4.21 PPRO_QW

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
mobilephone M 文本 Valid international Russian mobile phone number identifying the QIWI destination account to pay out to (excluding plus sign or any other international prefixes, including a leading 7 for Russia, 11 digits in total, e.g. 71234567890).

Note: QIWI Payout only works for the countrycodes “RU”, “KZ” and UA, and - depending on your contract - currency 
“RUB” , “EUR” ,”KZT” and “USD”. 

4.4.22 PPRO_SP

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.

Note: SafetyPay only works for country codes “AT”, “BR”, “CO”, “CR”, “DE”, “ES”, “MX”, “NI”, “NL”, “PA”, “PE” and currencies “EUR”, “USD”.

4.4.23 PPRO_SD

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.

Note: SEPA Direct Debit works for all SEPA countries and currency EUR.

4.4.24 PPRO_SG

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
phone M 文本 Valid international phone number of the account holder

Note: SingPost (Singapore) is only available for currency SGD and country code SG.

4.4.25 PPRO_SK

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
email O 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
address O 文本 Consumer’s address (e.g. street)
zipcode O 文本 Consumer’s postal code
city O 文本 Consumer’s city

4.4.26 PPRO_DP

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
bic O 文本 Valid BIC (8 or 11 alphanumeric letters) of consumer’s bank

4.4.27 PPRO_TP

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.

TrustPay works for the following country code/currency combinations:



The currencies available to you may depend on your contract.

4.4.28 PPRO_WP

Field name M/O Type Description
countrycode M 文本 The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername M 文本 The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
consumerref M 文本 Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
nationalid M 文本 Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
email M 文本 RFC compliant email address of the account holder
dob O 文本 Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD

Note: WebPay is available for currency USD and country code CL.