# PC端在线支付接入规范文档4.2.1 [上海偶可贝网络科技有限公司](https://www.allpayx.com) * 版本信息:中文 V4.2.1 * 更新时间:2018 年6 月 #### 1.概述 AllPay 为客户提供统一的api接入,以帮助客户实 现快速、安全、集中式的接入支付渠道。 #### 2.交易流程 ![image](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/b2c/raw/master/images/pc_flowsheet.png) #### 3.通用API说明 商户服务器和 AllPay 网关对接的通用接口,每个渠道都具有的功能,包括:消费,退款,查询接口。 ##### 3.1. 验签说明 ``` 1.对于发送到 ALLPAY 系统的 POST 请求报文,其中所有传入参数(除 signature 参数外)按照字段名的 ASCII 码从小到大排序后(字典序),使用 URL 键值对的格式(即 key1=value1&key2=value2...)拼接成字符串 String1。 2.在 String1 最后直接拼接(不需要用“&”连接)双方约定的签名密钥 K1(接入时 ALLPAY 时分配),得到 stringSignTemp 字符串,并对 stringSignTemp 进行 md5 运算,得到 signature 的值。 3.示例签名串 acqID=99020344&backURL=https://www.baidu.com&charSet=UTF-8&frontURL=nil&goodsInfo=iPhone x&merID=800039253992510&merReserve=&orderAmount=1.00&orderCurrency=INR&orderNum=ap0180417163142&paymentSchema=EB&signType=MD5&transTime=20180417163142&transType=PURC&trxn_email_id=benson.zhang@allpayx.com&trxn_firstname=benson zhang&trxn_is_coupon_enabled=1&trxn_phone=15026528888&unique_id=abcde12345&version=VER000000002f3e0e436cd24430aa4aaaed597450f26 ``` ##### 3.2. 通用API 接入地址 交易名称 |开发调试地址|生产交易地址 ------- |-----------|------- 消费接口 |https://testapi.allpayx.com/pay/v1 |https://api.allpayx.com/pay/v1 查询接口 |https://testapi.allpayx.com/pay/v1 |https://api.allpayx.com/pay/v1 退款接口 |https://testapi.allpayx.com/pay/v1 |https://api.allpayx.com/pay/v1 **3.3.交易信息错误返回参数说明** 若商户请求AllPay网关时,请求的参数错误或参数缺失时,AllPay网关会将错误信息以JSON格式返回给客户端,供商户解析调用,以下是相关错误信息返回参数的说明 | 参数应答码code | 对应应答信息msg | | -------------- | ------------------------------------------ | | U1 | Clientid not found | | U2 | Signature error | | V1 | Parameter missing | | E1 | Exceed the limit | | R1 | Orderno repeat | | C1 | Order currency is not set | | P1 | paychannel error | | I1 | Illegal request address | | T1 | Parameter missing(version或tranType) | | T2 | Txntype error | | T3 | transaction is not exist or fail | | T4 | The maximum amount exceeds the upper limit | | 99 | System error | ##### 3.4. 消费交易接口 1. 请求报文格式 下面列举的字段为通用字段,每个渠道都需要上送,部分渠道有渠道专属字段,具体字段请到该渠道的专属渠到字段说明处查看. 消费接口分为跳转型和参数返回型,默认为跳转型,参数返回型会在 第4章(渠道专属配置)里面说明 序号 |名称 |长度|类型|参数名称|备注 -----|-----|----|----|------|------ 1|版本号|12|文本|version |统一填写为“VER000000002” 2|字符集编码 |6|文本|charSet |统一填写为“UTF-8” 3|交易类型 |4|文本|transType |消费交易填写“PURC” 4|订单号 |60|文本|orderNum |商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 5|订单金额 |12|文本|orderAmount |如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00 6|订单币种 |3|文本|orderCurrency |人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD" 7|前端 URL 地址 |400|文本|frontURL |支付结果前端通知到该地址 8|后端 URL 地址 |400|文本|backURL |支付结果异步通知到该地址 9|商户预留字段 |1024 |文本|merReserve |商户预留内容,可传任意内容,如购买商品信息、员号等,但不要传特殊符号,如逗号。 10|商户代码 |15 |文本|merID |商户 ID,由AllPay 分配 11|收单行 ID |11 |文本|acqID |收单行 ID "99020344" 12|支付渠道代码 |10 |文本|paymentSchema|渠道代码:[点击查看详情](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/b2c/src/master/pc_api/paymentSchema.md) 13|商品信息 |60 |文本|goodsInfo | 商品信息 14|交易时间 |14 |文本|transTime |交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" 15|签名类型 |3 |文本|signType |MD5 16|签名 |32 |文本|signature |采用 MD5 签名 2. 跳转型消费接口响应报文 商户需要提供一个 http/https 协议的接口,包含在参数里传递给 SDK,即 backURL。AllPay 服务器在支付完成后,会以 Get 方式调用 backURL,通知支付结果。 参数如下表: 序号 |名称 |长度|类型|参数名称|备注 -----|-----|----|----|------|------ 1|版本号|12|文本|version |统一填写为“VER000000002” 2|字符集编码 |6|文本|charSet |统一填写为“UTF-8” 3|交易类型 |4|文本|transType |消费交易填写“PURC” 4|订单号 |60|文本|orderNum |商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 5|订单金额 |12|文本|orderAmount |如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00 6|订单币种 |3|文本|orderCurrency |人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD" 7|清算金额 |12 |文本|settAmount |如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00 8|清算币种 |3|文本|settCurrency |符合 ISO 标准,填写数字类型 9|清算汇率 |7|文本|rate |实际汇率,7 位有效数字 10|商户预留字段 |1024 |文本|merReserve |商户预留内容,可传任意内容,如购买商品信息、员号等,但不要传特殊符号,如逗号。 11|GW 交易 ID |32|文本|transID |GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一 12|商户代码 |15 |文本|merID |商户 ID,由AllPay 分配 13|收单行 ID |11 |文本|acqID |收单行 ID "99020344" 14|支付渠道代码 |10 |文本|paymentSchema|渠道代码:[点击查看详情](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/b2c/src/master/pc_api/paymentSchema.md) 15|交易应答码 |2 |文本|RespCode |应答码 00-成功 16|应答文字信息 |20 |文本|RespMsg |应答消息,全部为英文字符 17|交易时间 |14 |文本|transTime |交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" 18|GW 处理时间 |14 |文本|GWTime |YYYYMMDDHHMMSS,为 GW 时间,目前为本地交易时间 19|签名类型 |3 |文本|signType |MD5 20|签名 |32 |文本|signature |采用 MD5 签名 ##### 3.5. 查询交易接口 1. 接口说明 该接口为接入商家提供交易查询的功能。 2. 请求报文格式 序号 |名称 |长度|类型|参数名称|备注 -----|-----|----|----|------|------ 1|版本号|12|文本|version |统一填写为“VER000000002” 2|字符集编码 |6|文本|charSet |统一填写为“UTF-8” 3|交易类型 |4|文本|transType |查询填写“INQY” 4|订单号 |60|文本|orderNum |商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 5|商户预留字段 |1024 |文本|merReserve |商户保留 6|商户代码 |15 |文本|merID |商户 ID,由AllPay 分配 7|收单行 ID |11 |文本|acqID |收单行 ID "99020344" 8|支付渠道代码 |10 |文本|paymentSchema|渠道代码:[点击查看详情](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/b2c/src/master/pc_api/paymentSchema.md) 9|交易时间 |14 |文本|transTime |交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" 10|签名类型 |3 |文本|signType |MD5 11|签名 |32 |文本|signature |采用 MD5 签名 3. 响应报文格式 序号 |名称 |长度|类型|参数名称|备注 -----|-----|----|----|------|------ 1|版本号|12|文本|version |统一填写为“VER000000002” 2|字符集编码 |6|文本|charSet |统一填写为“UTF-8” 3|交易类型 |4|文本|transType |查询交易填写为“INQY 4|订单号 |60|文本|orderNum |商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 5|GW 交易 ID |32|文本|transID |GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一 6|商户代码 |15 |文本|merID |商户 ID,由AllPay 分配 7|收单行 ID |11 |文本|acqID |收单行 ID "99020344" 8|交易应答码 |2 |文本|RespCode |应答码 00-成功 9|应答文字信息 |20 |文本|RespMsg |应答消息,全部为英文字符 10|交易时间 |14 |文本|transTime |交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" 11|GW 处理时间 |14 |文本|GWTime |YYYYMMDDHHMMSS,为 GW 时间,目前为本地交易时间 12|签名类型 |3 |文本|signType |MD5 13|签名 |32 |文本|signature |采用 MD5 签名 ##### 3.6. 退款交易接口 1.接口功能说明 该接口为接入商家提供交易退款的功能。 2.请求报文格式 序号 |名称 |长度|类型|参数名称|备注 -----|-----|----|----|------|------ 1|版本号|12|文本|version |统一填写为“VER000000002” 2|字符集编码 |6|文本|charSet |统一填写为“UTF-8” 3|交易类型 |4|文本|transType |退款填写“REFD” 4|订单号 |60|文本|orderNum |商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 5|退款金额 |12|文本|returnAmount |如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00 6|订单币种 |3|文本|orderCurrency |人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD" 7|商户预留字段 |1024 |文本|merReserve |商户预留内容,可传任意内容,如购买商品信息、员号等,但不要传特殊符号,如逗号。 8|商户代码 |15 |文本|merID |商户 ID,由AllPay 分配 9|收单行 ID |11 |文本|acqID |收单行 ID "99020344" 10|支付渠道代码 |10 |文本|paymentSchema|渠道代码:[点击查看详情](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/b2c/src/master/pc_api/paymentSchema.md) 11|交易时间 |14 |文本|transTime |交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" 12|签名类型 |3 |文本|signType |MD5 13|签名 |32 |文本|signature |采用 MD5 签名 3.响应报文格式 序号 |名称 |长度|类型|参数名称|备注 -----|-----|----|----|------|------ 1|版本号|12|文本|version |统一填写为“VER000000002” 2|字符集编码 |6|文本|charSet |统一填写为“UTF-8” 3|交易类型 |4|文本|transType |退款填写“REFD” 4|订单号 |60|文本|orderNum |商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 5|GW 交易 ID |32|文本|transID |GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一 6|商户代码 |15 |文本|merID |商户 ID,由AllPay 分配 7|收单行 ID |11 |文本|acqID |收单行 ID "99020344" 8|交易应答码 |2 |文本|RespCode |应答码 00-成功 9|应答文字信息 |20 |文本|RespMsg |应答消息,全部为英文字符 10|交易时间 |14 |文本|transTime |交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" 11|GW 处理时间 |14 |文本|GWTime |YYYYMMDDHHMMSS,为 GW 时间,目前为本地交易时间 12|签名类型 |3 |文本|signType |MD5 13|签名 |32 |文本|signature |采用 MD5 签名 #### 4.渠道专属配置 ##### 4.1 EB渠道(跳转) 序号 |名称 |长度|类型|参数名称|备注 -----|-----|----|----|------|------ 1| 姓名 |32 |文本|trxn_firstname |This is name of the customer who is doing the transaction. 2| 邮箱 |40 |文本|trxn_email_id |this is email id of the customer who is doing transaction. 3|电话 |20 |文本|trxn_phone|Phone number of the customer. ##### 4.2 UP渠道(跳转) 序号 |名称 |长度|类型|参数名称|备注 -----|-----|----|----|------|------ 1| 银联卡号 |19 | 文本|uCardNumber |境外银联通道,适用于银联优计划。可以不上送,若需要提前填入银行卡号,则上送此字段。 ##### 4.3 WX渠道(含跳转和参数返回) 序号 |名称 |长度|类型|参数名称|备注 -----|-----|----|----|------|------ 1| 交易场景代码|16 | 文本|code |1.“NATIVE“:为参数返回方式,返回微信收款URL值, 要求商户将其转换为 QR 码,自己生成支付前端界 面,提示用户扫码付款; 2.“QUICK”:为跳转方式,打开 AllPay 提供的前端页面,页面包含微信 QR 码 ##### 4.4 PPRO相关渠道(跳转) ###### 4.4.1 PPRO_AC Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} Note: AstroPay Card is available for currency USD and country codes BO, BR, CL, CN, CO, CR, MX, PE, UY, VE. ###### 4.4.2 PPRO_AD Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} Note: AstroPay Direct is available for currency USD and country codes AR, BR, CL, CN, CO, MX, PE, UY. ###### 4.4.3 PPRO_AR Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} nationalid |M |文本 |Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters) email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder dob |O |文本 |Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD Note: Aura (Brazil) is available for currency USD and country code BR. ###### 4.4.4 PPRO_BA Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} nationalid |M |文本 |Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters) email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder dob |O |文本 |Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD Note: Baloto Cash (Colombia) is available for currency USD and country code CO. ###### 4.4.5 PPRO_BB Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} nationalid |M |文本 |Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters) email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder dob |O |文本 |Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD Note: Banco do Brasil (Brazil) is available for currency USD and country code BR. ###### 4.4.6 PPRO_BO Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} nationalid |M |文本 |Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters) email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder dob |O |文本 |Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD Note: Boleto Bancario is available for currency USD and country code BR. ###### 4.4.7 PPRO_CC Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} nationalid |M |文本 |Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters) email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder dob |O |文本 |Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD Note: Cartao MercadoLivre (Brazil) is available for currency USD and country code BR. ###### 4.4.8 PPRO_DR Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder phone |M |文本 |Valid international phone number of the account holder Note: Dragonpay is only available for currency PHP and country code PH. ###### 4.4.9 PPRO_EN Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder phone |M |文本 |Valid international phone number of the account holder Note: eNETS is only available for currency SGD and country code SG. ###### 4.4.10 PPRO_EP Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. Note: eps only works for the countrycode “AT” and currency “EUR”. ###### 4.4.11 PPRO_GP Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. bic |O |文本 |Valid BIC (8 or 11 alphanumeric letters) of consumer’s bank ###### 4.4.12 PPRO_HC Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} nationalid |M |文本 |Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters) email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder dob |O |文本 |Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD Note: Hipercard (Brazil) is available for currency USD and country code BR. ###### 4.4.13 PPRO_ID Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. Note: iDEAL only works for the countrycode “NL” and currency “EUR”. ###### 4.4.14 PPRO_IT Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} nationalid |M |文本 |Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters) email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder dob |O |文本 |Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD Note: Itaú (Brazil) is available for currency USD and country code BR. ###### 4.4.15 PPRO_MB Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. Note: MyBank only works for the country code IT and currency EUR. ###### 4.4.16 PPRO_PC Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} ###### 4.4.17 PPRO_PB Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder phone |M |文本 |Valid international phone number of the account holder Note: PAYSBUY Cash is only available for currency THB and country code TH. ###### 4.4.18 PPRO_PU Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder Note: PayU works only for country code/currency combinations CZ/CZK and PL/PLN. ###### 4.4.19 PPRO_PL Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. Note: POLi only works for the countrycode/currency combinations “NZ”/”NZD” and “AU/AUD”. ###### 4.4.20 PPRO_P24 Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder Note: Przelewy24 only works for the countrycode “PL” and currencies “PLN” and “EUR”. ###### 4.4.21 PPRO_QW Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. mobilephone|M |文本 |Valid international Russian mobile phone number identifying the QIWI destination account to pay out to (excluding plus sign or any other international prefixes, including a leading 7 for Russia, 11 digits in total, e.g. 71234567890). Note: QIWI Payout only works for the countrycodes “RU”, “KZ” and UA, and - depending on your contract - currency 
“RUB” , “EUR” ,”KZT” and “USD”. 
 ###### 4.4.22 PPRO_SP Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. Note: SafetyPay only works for country codes “AT”, “BR”, “CO”, “CR”, “DE”, “ES”, “MX”, “NI”, “NL”, “PA”, “PE” and currencies “EUR”, “USD”. ###### 4.4.23 PPRO_SD Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. Note: SEPA Direct Debit works for all SEPA countries and currency EUR. ###### 4.4.24 PPRO_SG Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder phone |M |文本 |Valid international phone number of the account holder Note: SingPost (Singapore) is only available for currency SGD and country code SG. ###### 4.4.25 PPRO_SK Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. email |O |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder address |O |文本 |Consumer’s address (e.g. street) zipcode |O |文本 |Consumer’s postal code city |O |文本 |Consumer’s city ###### 4.4.26 PPRO_DP Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. bic |O |文本 |Valid BIC (8 or 11 alphanumeric letters) of consumer’s bank ###### 4.4.27 PPRO_TP Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. TrustPay works for the following country code/currency combinations: CZ CZK, EUR SK EUR The currencies available to you may depend on your contract. ###### 4.4.28 PPRO_WP Field name |M/O |Type |Description -----|-----|----|---- countrycode|M |文本 |The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation. accountholdername|M |文本 |The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters. consumerref |M |文本 |Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} nationalid |M |文本 |Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters) email |M |文本 |RFC compliant email address of the account holder dob |O |文本 |Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD Note: WebPay is available for currency USD and country code CL. #### 5.测试账户 请注意,支付宝、财付通交易需要用中国实名认证的账户进行测试交易,所有测试交 易不提供清算服务,请用小额测试。 以下是银联渠道测试卡,仅用于测试使用: ``` 信用卡:5200831111111113 手机:13552535506 CVN2:123 有效期:2019 年 11 月 电脑端验证码:111111 移动端验证码:123456 信用卡:6226388000000095 手机:18100000000 CVN2:248 有效期:2019 年 12 月 电脑端验证码:111111 移动端验证码:123456 ``` #### 6.技术支持 如果您在调试时遇到问题,请我们联系:support@allpayx.com。