@@ -102,6 +102,10 @@
- [36.1 H5支付](#361-h5支付)
- [36.1 H5支付](#361-h5支付)
- [37. BCP渠道](#37-bcp渠道)
- [37. BCP渠道](#37-bcp渠道)
- [37.1 H5支付](#371-h5支付)
- [37.1 H5支付](#371-h5支付)
+ - [38. Servipag渠道](#38-Servipag渠道)
+ - [38.1 H5支付](#381-h5支付)
+ - [39. Servipag渠道](#39-Redpagos渠道)
+ - [39.1 H5支付](#391-h5支付)
### 1. WX渠道
### 1. WX渠道
@@ -1698,4 +1702,58 @@ CVV2: 123
| 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
| 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | 否 | 收银台URL |
+### 38. Servipag渠道
+#### 38.1 H5支付
+ **请求参数**
+| 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | 是 | "H5" |
+| email | String | 是 | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | 是 | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| document_id | String | 是 | Document ID of the consumer. Consumer's Peruvian Identification Number(DNI). Must be string between 8 and 9 digits.|
+| firstname | String | 是 | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | 是 | Customer last name |
+| address | String | 是 | address |
+| zip_code | String | 是 | ZIP code |
+| city | String | 是 | City |
+| country | String(2) | 是 |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: PE |
+| 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | 否 | 收银台URL |
+### 39. Redpagos渠道
+#### 39.1 H5支付
+ **请求参数**
+| 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | 是 | "H5" |
+| consumer_reference | String | 是 | Consumer reference is a unique consumer identifier|
+| national_id | String | 是 | National ID of the consumer. Consumer's Identification Number(CC). Must be string between 6 to 8 digits.|
+| email | String | 是 | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | 是 | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| firstname | String | 是 | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | 是 | Customer last name |
+| address | String | 是 | address |
+| zip_code | String | 是 | ZIP code |
+| city | String | 是 | City |
+| country | String(2) | 是 |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: CO |
+| 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
| payUrl | String | 否 | 收银台URL |
| payUrl | String | 否 | 收银台URL |