فهرست منبع


tao.zhou 4 سال پیش

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@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@
 1. 对于发送到 GoAllPay 系统的请求报文,其中所有传入参数(除 signature 参数外)按照字段名的 ASCII 码从小到大排序后(字典序),使用 URL 键值对的格式(即 key1=value1&key2=value2...)拼接成字符串 String1。
 2. 在 String1 最后直接拼接(不需要用“&”连接)双方约定的签名密钥 Key(接入 GoAllPay 时分配),得到 stringSignTemp 字符串,并对 stringSignTemp 进行加密运算,得到 signature 的值。
 3. 签名过程示例:
 String1: IDCard=411422199808080415&acqID=99020344&charSet=UTF-8&customerAccount=ab123456&customs_code=3302462548&customs_name=AAAA&customs_place=CUSTOMSHEADOFFICE&merID=000000000000015&merReserve=dd&name=shi kai feng&orderCurrency=CNY&orderNum=kfvWipRWHEboJPh71m7lXkUILutt&origOrderNum=VzVJhPdX18tDu3vgGfNOIgh71LjY&paymentSchema=UP&productPrice=80&signType=MD5&transTime=20181229171552&transType=DECL&transportPrice=10&version=VER000000005

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@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ This document specifies the message interface used for online transactions of cu
 1. For the request message sent to the GoAllPay system, in which all incoming parameters (except signature parameters) according to the field name of ASCII smallest sequence (dictionary), using the format of the URL key/value pair (key1 = value1 & key2 = value2... ) spliced into a string String1.
 2. At the end of String1, the signature Key (assigned at GoAllPay upon access) agreed by both parties is spliced directly (no need to connect with "&"), resulting in a stringSignTemp string, and an encryption on stringSignTemp to get the value of signature.
 3. Example of signing process: 
 String1: IDCard=411422199808080415&acqID=99020344&charSet=UTF-8&customerAccount=ab123456&customs_code=3302462548&customs_name=AAAA&customs_place=CUSTOMSHEADOFFICE&merID=000000000000015&merReserve=dd&name=shi kai feng&orderCurrency=CNY&orderNum=kfvWipRWHEboJPh71m7lXkUILutt&origOrderNum=VzVJhPdX18tDu3vgGfNOIgh71LjY&paymentSchema=UP&productPrice=80&signType=MD5&transTime=20181229171552&transType=DECL&transportPrice=10&version=VER000000005

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@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ GoAllPay provides customers with unified API access to help them implement fast,
 1. For the request message sent to the GoAllPay system, in which all incoming parameters (except signature parameters) according to the field name of ASCII smallest sequence (dictionary), using the format of the URL key/value pair (key1 = value1 & key2 = value2... ) spliced into a string String1.
 2. At the end of String1, the signature Key (assigned at GoAllPay upon access) agreed by both parties is spliced directly (no need to connect with "&"), resulting in a stringSignTemp string, and an encryption on stringSignTemp to get the value of signature.
 3. Example of signing process: 
 String1: acqID=99020344&backURL=https://testapi.allpayx.com/test&charSet=UTF-8&detailInfo=W3siZ29vZHNfbmFtZSI6IuiLueaenCIsInF1YW50aXR5IjoiMyJ9LHsiZ29vZHNfbmFtZSI6IuapmOWtkCIsInF1YW50aXR5IjoiNyJ9XQ==&frontURL=

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@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ AllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实 现快速、安全
 ## 2.验签说明 
-1.对于发送到 AllPay 系统的请求报文,其中所有传入参数(除 signature 参数外)按照字段名的 ASCII 码从小到大排序后(字典序),使用 URL 键值对的格式(即 key1=value1&key2=value2...)拼接成字符串 String1。
+1. 对于发送到 AllPay 系统的请求报文,其中所有传入参数(除 signature 参数外)按照字段名的 ASCII 码从小到大排序后(字典序),使用 URL 键值对的格式(即 key1=value1&key2=value2...)拼接成字符串 String1。
-2.在 String1 最后直接拼接(不需要用“&”连接)双方约定的签名密钥 Key(接入 AllPay 时分配),得到 stringSignTemp 字符串,并对 stringSignTemp 进行加密运算,得到 signature 的值。
+2. 在 String1 最后直接拼接(不需要用“&”连接)双方约定的签名密钥 Key(接入 AllPay 时分配),得到 stringSignTemp 字符串,并对 stringSignTemp 进行加密运算,得到 signature 的值。
+3. 签名过程示例
 String1: merID=000000000000015&signType=MD5&transID=MQkmUGAh3Gw2HEEi
 stringSignTemp: merID=000000000000015&signType=MD5&transID=MQkmUGAh3Gw2HEEi2f2c77e3718c47cfb47a89a6fbc9d361
 MD5 signature: 16d93a9ac6ca89bfdefb018924f11965