tao.zhou 2 years ago

+ 16 - 9

@@ -153,19 +153,26 @@ signature: 40f1e5adebba58cc7822dac0b3a2bfebb6676e245370be027cdfb952695bee29
 | merReserve          | String(1024)   | 否    | 预留内容,商户自定义。注意不要包含特殊符号,如 "#","&","+" 等 |
 | signType            | String(10)     | 是    | SHA256|
 | signature           | String(32)     | 是    | 签名 |
+| tradeFrom    | String         | 是    | 交易场景,统一填写为"H5" |
 | OsType              | String(20)     | 是    | 操作系统类型。"IOS","ANDROID","HARMONYOS","WINDOWS","MAC","OTHER" 选其中一个上送|
 | OsVersion           | String(20)     | 否    | 操作系统版本。示例:"10.0.19043" |
 | tokenFlag           | String(10)     | 否    | 是否同时返回签约支付token的标识,需要返回时,填写:"true",该功能需要单独审批开通。 |
 | tokenBackURL        | String(400)    | 否    | 签约支付token的异步通知URL,当tokenFlag为"true"时,必须填写 |
-| logisticsCountry    | String(2)      | 是    | 物流国家/地区,2位国家码,如:US  |
-| logisticsState      | String         | 是    | 物流州/省/邦,2位编码,如:CA  |
-| logisticsCity       | String         | 是    | 物流城市 |
-| logisticsStreet     | String         | 是    | 物流地址 |
-| logisticsPostalCode | String         | 是    | 物流邮编 |
-| logisticsEmail      | String         | 是    | 物流邮箱 |
-| logisticsPhone      | String         | 是    | 物流电话 |   
-| logisticsHouseNo    | String         | 是    | 物流门牌号或名称 |
-| tradeFrom    | String         | 是    | 交易场景,统一填写为"H5" |
+| userIP     | String(20)   | 是    | 用户IP |
+| userID     | String(20)   | 是    | 用户在商家的唯一ID |
+  订单物流信息,部分渠道的国际卡支付方式要求上送,具体与支持人员沟通。
+| 参数          | 类型         | 必填 | 描述                                                         |
+| ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| logisticsCountry    | String(2)      | 否    | 物流国家/地区,2位国家码,如:US  |
+| logisticsState      | String         | 否    | 物流州/省/邦,2位编码,如:CA  |
+| logisticsCity       | String         | 否    | 物流城市 |
+| logisticsStreet     | String         | 否    | 物流地址 |
+| logisticsPostalCode | String         | 否    | 物流邮编 |
+| logisticsEmail      | String         | 否    | 物流邮箱 |
+| logisticsPhone      | String         | 否    | 物流电话 |   
+| logisticsHouseNo    | String         | 否    | 物流门牌号或名称 |
  **4. 响应参数**

+ 16 - 9

@@ -152,19 +152,26 @@ This interface provides the function of purchase transaction for access merchant
 | merReserve    | String(1024) | No    | Reserved content, customized by the merchant. Note: Don't include special symbols, such as "#", "&", "+", etc. |
 | signType      | String(10)   | Yes    | "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32)   | Yes    | signature |
+| tradeFrom    | String         | Yes    | "H5" |
 | OsType     | String(20)   | Yes    | OS type.<br>"IOS", "ANDROID", "HARMONYOS", "WINDOWS", "MAC", "OTHER". Choose one of them. |
 | OsVersion     | String(20)   | No   | OS version. Example: "10.0.19043" |
 | tokenFlag           | String(10)     | No    | Whether to return the token of the contract payment token at the same time. When you need to return, fill in "true". This feature requires separate approval to activate. |
 | tokenBackURL        | String(400)    | No    | The asynchronous notification URL of the contracted payment token. When tokenFlag is "true", it must be filled in. |
-| logisticsCountry    | String(2)      | Yes    | Logistics country/region, 2-digit country code, such as: US  |
-| logisticsState      | String         | Yes    | Logistics state/province/state, 2-digit code, such as: CA  |
-| logisticsCity       | String         | Yes    | Logistics city |
-| logisticsStreet     | String         | Yes    | Logistics address |
-| logisticsPostalCode | String         | Yes    | Logistics zip code |
-| logisticsEmail      | String         | Yes    | Logistics email |
-| logisticsPhone      | String         | Yes    | Logistics phone |   
-| logisticsHouseNo    | String         | Yes    | Logistics house number or name |
-| tradeFrom    | String         | Yes    | "H5" |
+| userIP     | String(20)   | Yes    | User IP |
+| userID     | String(20)   | Yes    | The user's unique ID at the merchant. |
+  Order logistics information, international card payment methods of some channels are required, please communicate with the support staff for details.
+| Parameter     | Type       | Required | Description                                        |
+| ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| logisticsCountry    | String(2)      | No    | Logistics country/region, 2-digit country code, such as: US  |
+| logisticsState      | String         | No    | Logistics state/province/state, 2-digit code, such as: CA  |
+| logisticsCity       | String         | No    | Logistics city |
+| logisticsStreet     | String         | No    | Logistics address |
+| logisticsPostalCode | String         | No    | Logistics zip code |
+| logisticsEmail      | String         | No    | Logistics email |
+| logisticsPhone      | String         | No    | Logistics phone |   
+| logisticsHouseNo    | String         | No    | Logistics house number or name |
 **4. Response parameters**

+ 1 - 2

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 | RespCode | reason.code | reason.text    |
-| -------- | :---------- | -------------- |
-| 00         | 00          | 成功           |
+| -------- | ---------- | -------------- |
 |P5  | USER_KYC_NOT_QUALIFIED | User is not qualified for the KYC verification. |
 |P5  | MERCHANT_NOT_REGISTERED | The merchant is not registered. |
 |P5  | USER_PAYMENT_VERIFICATION_FAILED | User fails to pass the payment verification in the methods like OTP, PIN and so on. |

+ 14 - 2

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-### 1 FC
+<!-- ### 1 FC
 #### 1.1 Bound card payment
@@ -33,4 +33,16 @@ CVV2: 830
 Card Number: 5204730000002555
 Expiry Date: 1225
 CVV2: 123
+``` -->
+### 1. AliPayPlus
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ------- |
+| sub_brand_code | String | Yes |"alipay_cn","gcash", "dana", "kakaopay", "alipay_hk", "truemoney", "tng", "bpi","connect_wallet","rabbit_line_pay"<br>Choose one of them. |
+### 2. FC
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ------- |
+| email | String | Yes |User email|

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1308,9 +1308,9 @@ CVV2: 123
 | 参数      | 类型   | 必填 | 描述     |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | -------- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "QRCODE" |
-| email | String | M    | Customer email |
-| payer_name | String | M    | Customer name |
+| tradeFrom | String |     | "QRCODE" |
+| email | String |     | Customer email |
+| payer_name | String |     | Customer name |

+ 277 - 2

@@ -1000,10 +1000,285 @@ CVV2: 123
 | zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
 | city | String | Yes    | City |
 | country | String(2) | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: IN|
-| state | String(2) | No    |State code in ISO 3166-2, required for USA and Canada|
 **Response parameter "parameter" details**
 | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
 | -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
-| payUrl | String | No   | Cashier URL |
+| payUrl | String | No   | Cashier URL |
+### 15. India_UPI
+#### 15.1 H5 mode
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| ----------------------- | --------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| tradeFrom               | String    | Yes   | "H5"                                                         |
+| email                   | String    | Yes   | Must contain valid e-mail of customer                        |
+| phone                   | String    | Yes   | Must contain valid phone number of customer                  |
+| firstname               | String    | Yes   | Customer first name                                          |
+| lastname                | String    | Yes   | Customer last name                                           |
+| address                 | String    | Yes   | address                                                      |
+| zip_code                | String    | Yes   | ZIP code                                                     |
+| city                    | String    | Yes   | City                                                         |
+| country                 | String(2) | Yes   | Country code in ISO 3166. Example: IN                        |
+| document_id             | String    | Yes   | Consumer's Indian PAN. Must be string with 10 alphanumeric letters. 5 letters, followed by 4 numbers, followed by 1 letter or number. Example: ABCDE1234F |
+| virtual_payment_address | String    | Yes   | Virtual Payment Address (VPA) of the customer, format: someone@bank |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| ------ | ------ | ---- | --------- |
+| payUrl | String | No   | Cashier URL |
+### 16. Boleto
+#### 16.1 H5 mode
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
+| consumer_reference | String | Yes    | Consumer reference is a unique consumer identifier|
+| document_id | String | Yes    | Document ID of the consumer. Consumer's Brazilian Identification Number(CPF or CNPJ). Must be string between 11 and 14 digits and to have full cpf validation.|
+| email | String | Yes    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | Yes    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| firstname | String | Yes    | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | Yes    | Customer last name |
+| address | String | Yes    | address |
+| zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
+| city | String | Yes    | City |
+| country | String(2) | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: BR |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | No    | Cashier URL |
+### 17. Baloto
+#### 17.1 H5 mode
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
+| consumer_reference | String | Yes    | Consumer reference is a unique consumer identifier|
+| national_id | String | Yes    | National ID of the consumer. Consumer's Colombian Identification Number(CC). Must be string between 6 to 10 digits.|
+| email | String | Yes    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | Yes    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| firstname | String | Yes    | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | Yes    | Customer last name |
+| address | String | Yes    | address |
+| zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
+| city | String | Yes    | City |
+| country | String(2) | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: CO |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | No    | Cashier URL |
+### 18. PIX
+#### 18.1 H5 mode
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
+| document_id | String | Yes    | Document ID of the consumer. Consumer's Brazilian Identification Number(CPF or CNPJ). Must be string between 11 and 14 digits and to have full cpf validation.|
+| email | String | Yes    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | Yes    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| firstname | String | Yes    | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | Yes    | Customer last name |
+| address | String | Yes    | address |
+| zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
+| city | String | Yes    | City |
+| country | String(2) | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: BR |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | No    | Cashier URL |
+### 19. PSE
+#### 19.1 H5 mode
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
+| consumer_reference | String | Yes    | Consumer reference is a unique consumer identifier|
+| national_id | String | Yes    | National ID of the consumer. Consumer's Colombian Identification Number(CC). Must be string between 6 to 10 digits.|
+| email | String | Yes    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | Yes    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| firstname | String | Yes    | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | Yes    | Customer last name |
+| address | String | Yes    | address |
+| zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
+| city | String | Yes    | City |
+| country | String(2) | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: CO |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | No    | Cashier URL |
+### 20. Webpay
+#### 20.1 H5 mode
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
+| consumer_reference | String | Yes    | Consumer reference is a unique consumer identifier|
+| national_id | String | Yes    | National ID of the consumer. Consumer's Chilean Identification Number(CI/RUT). Must be string between 8 to 9 digits.|
+| email | String | Yes    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | Yes    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| firstname | String | Yes    | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | Yes    | Customer last name |
+| address | String | Yes    | address |
+| zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
+| city | String | Yes    | City |
+| country | String(2) | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: CL |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | No    | Cashier URL |
+### 21. OXXO
+#### 21.1 H5 mode
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
+| consumer_reference | String | Yes    | Consumer reference is a unique consumer identifier|
+| national_id | String | Yes    | National ID of the consumer. Consumer's Mexican Identification Number(CURP). Must be string between 10 and 18 digits.|
+| email | String | Yes    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | Yes    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| firstname | String | Yes    | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | Yes    | Customer last name |
+| address | String | Yes    | address |
+| zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
+| city | String | Yes    | City |
+| country | String(2) | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: MX |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | No    | Cashier URL |
+### 22. SPEI
+#### 22.1 H5 mode
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
+| email | String | Yes    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | Yes    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| document_id | String | Yes    | Document ID of the consumer. Consumer's Mexican Identification Number(CURP). Must be string between 10 and 18 digits.|
+| firstname | String | Yes    | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | Yes    | Customer last name |
+| address | String | Yes    | address |
+| zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
+| city | String | Yes    | City |
+| country | String(2) | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: MX |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | No    | Cashier URL |
+### 23. PagoEfectivo
+#### 23.1 H5 mode
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
+| email | String | Yes    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | Yes    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| document_id | String | Yes    | Document ID of the consumer. Consumer's Peruvian Identification Number(DNI). Must be string between 8 and 9 digits.|
+| firstname | String | Yes    | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | Yes    | Customer last name |
+| address | String | Yes    | address |
+| zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
+| city | String | Yes    | City |
+| country | String(2) | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: PE |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | No    | Cashier URL |
+### 24. Interbank
+#### 24.1 H5 mode
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
+| email | String | Yes    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | Yes    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| document_id | String | Yes    | Document ID of the consumer. Consumer's Peruvian Identification Number(DNI). Must be string between 8 and 9 digits.|
+| firstname | String | Yes    | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | Yes    | Customer last name |
+| address | String | Yes    | address |
+| zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
+| city | String | Yes    | City |
+| country | String(2) | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166. Example: PE |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| payUrl | String | No    | Cashier URL |
+### 25 PayNow
+#### 25.1 QR code no jump mode
+ This mode returns the QR code string, and merchants need to generate the QR code themselves.
+ **Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | -------- |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "QRCODE" |
+| email | String | Yes    | Customer email |
+| payer_name | String | Yes    | Customer name |
+**Response parameter "parameter" details**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| code_url | String | No    | QR code string |

+ 1 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 | RespCode | reason.code           | reason.text                   |
-| -------- | :-------------------- | ----------------------------- |
-| 00       | 00                    | 成功                          |
+| -------- | -------------------- | ----------------------------- |
 | P5       | INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN | The refresh token is invalid. |
 | P5       | EXPIRED_REFRESH_TOKEN | The refresh token is expired. |