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Merge branch 'master' of https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common

benson 5 лет назад
3 измененных файлов с 202 добавлено и 104 удалено
  1. 11 24
  2. 190 78
  3. 1 2

+ 11 - 24

@@ -211,8 +211,6 @@ AllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实 现快速、安全
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
 ### 4.6 外卡预授权接口
@@ -221,6 +219,8 @@ AllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实 现快速、安全
+ 下面列举的字段为通用字段,每个渠道都需要上送,部分渠道有专属字段,具体请到第5章渠道专属配置处查看。
 | 参数          | 类型         | 属性 | 描述                                                         |
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
@@ -270,9 +270,7 @@ AllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实 现快速、安全
 | signature     | String(32)   | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
-### 4.6 外卡预授权完成接口
+### 4.7 外卡预授权完成接口
@@ -283,9 +281,9 @@ AllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实 现快速、安全
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                               |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                      |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 预授权填写“PAUC”                                       |
+| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 预授权完成填写“PAUC”                                       |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 |
-| origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | 订单号:原预授权单号                                   |
+| origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | 原预授权单号                                   |
 | orderAmount   | String(12) | M    | 订单金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00              |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)  | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"  |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 AllPay 分配                                |
@@ -294,16 +292,14 @@ AllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实 现快速、安全
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | MD5或SHA256                                            |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                  |
 | 参数          | 类型       | 属性 | 描述                                           |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                       |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                              |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 查询填写“PAUC”                                 |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 预售期完成订单号                               |
+| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 预授权完成填写“PAUC”                                 |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 预授权完成订单号                               |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一         |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 AllPay 分配                        |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                           |
@@ -317,7 +313,8 @@ AllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实 现快速、安全
-### 4.7 撤销接口
+### 4.8 撤销接口
@@ -363,8 +360,6 @@ AllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实 现快速、安全
 ## 5.渠道专属配置
 ### 5.1 WX渠道
@@ -635,8 +630,6 @@ cvv:123
 | email             | String | M    | 用户email |
 | transport_express | String | M    | 快递单号  |
 ### 5.9 APHK渠道
 #### 5.9.1 H5支付
@@ -664,23 +657,17 @@ cvv:123
 | RespCode | String | M    | 应答码 00-成功                     |
 | RespMsg  | String | M    | 应答消息                           |
 | code_url | String | O    | 二维码字符串。应答码为00返回该字段 |
 ### 5.10 FC渠道
-#### 5.10.1 消费, 预授权
+#### 5.10.1 消费/预授权
- 消费,预授权 ,接口专属字段
+ 消费/预授权接口专属字段
 | 参数      | 类型   | 属性 | 描述 |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
 | tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5" |
 #### 6.应答码 
 | 应答码 | 描  述      |

+ 190 - 78

@@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ Common interface includes notification, asynchronous notification of transaction
 | Interface Name | Test URL                                 | Production URL                             |
 | ------- | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
-| Purchase    | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/unifiedorder | https://api.allpayx.com/api/unifiedorder |
+| Purchase | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/unifiedorder | https://api.allpayx.com/api/unifiedorder |
 | Inquiry | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/orderquery   | https://api.allpayx.com/api/orderquery   |
-| Refund    | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/refund       | https://api.allpayx.com/api/refund       |
+| Refund | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/refund       | https://api.allpayx.com/api/refund       |
 | Refund inquiry | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/refundquery  | https://api.allpayx.com/api/refundquery  |
+| Pre-authorization | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/unifiedorder | https://api.allpayx.com/api/unifiedorder |
+| Pre-authorization completed | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/pauc | https://api.allpayx.com/api/pauc |
 ### 4.2 Purchase interface
@@ -39,23 +41,23 @@ This field is a list of common fields, sending, every channel needs some channel
 | Parameter          | Type         | Required | Description                                        |
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12)   | M    | “VER000000005”                                     |
-| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | “UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | “PURC”                                           |
+| version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PURC" |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number       |
 | orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00                    |
-| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD"          |
+| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD" |
 | frontURL      | String(400)  | M    | When the payment is complete, jump to the address               |
-| backURL       | String(400)  | M    | Payment results are asynchronously notified to this address                                     |
+| backURL       | String(400)  | M    | Payment results are asynchronously notified to this address     |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay                                       |
-| acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344"                                         |
+| acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344"  |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
-| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | Commodity information, displayed on the payment page                                    |
+| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | Commodity information, displayed on the payment page   |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires base-64 encoding of this field before signing and sending. |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                               |
 | merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
-| signType      | String(10)   | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                                   |
-| signature     | String(32)   | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature                                         |
+| signType      | String(10)   | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature     | String(32)   | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 3.Jump transformation Purchase interface response message
@@ -67,19 +69,19 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | parameter          | Type         | Required | Description          |
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005"                                     |
-| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8"                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PURC"                                          |
-| orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number                                                       |
+| version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PURC" |
+| orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number |
 | orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00                    |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"        |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay                                      |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344"                                 |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
-| RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.                                               |
-| RespMsg       | String(20)   | M    | Response message, all English characters                                                     |
+| RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. |
+| RespMsg       | String(20)   | M    | Response message |
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.                       |
-| GWTime        | String(14)   | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time.                                   |
+| GWTime        | String(14)   | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time. |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
 | merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
 | signType      | String(10)   | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                                  |
@@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8"                                            |
 | transType     | String(4)  | M    | "INQY"                                             |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Original trade order number                                                       |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Original payment order number                      |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay                                       |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344"                                         |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
@@ -110,20 +112,20 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                         |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                                     |
-| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8"                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "INQY"                                               |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Original trade order number                                                       |
-| transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.                       |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay                                      |
-| acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344"                                         |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "INQY" |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Original payment order number |
+| transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay |
+| acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
-| RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.                                               |
-| RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message, all English characters                                                     |
+| RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. |
+| RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
-| GWTime        | String(14) | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time               |
-| signType      | String(3)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                                  |
-| signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature                                        |
+| GWTime        | String(14) | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time  |
+| signType      | String(3)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 ### 4.4 Refund interface
@@ -135,38 +137,38 @@ This interface provides the function of refund transaction for access merchants.
 | Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                         |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                                     |
-| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8"                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "REFD"                                               |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "REFD" |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Refund order number: it is defined by the merchant, and the refund order number under the same merchant number cannot be repeated |
 | origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | Original trade order number                                                 |
 | returnAmount  | String(12) | M    | Refund amount: if 100 yuan, it is 100 or 100.00                    |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)  | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"          |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay                                       |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
-| acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344"                                         |
-| transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
-| signType      | String(3)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                                  |
-| signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature                                        |
+| acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
+| transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType      | String(3)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 3.Response message format
 | Parameter      | Type       | Required | Description                                           |
 | --------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| version   | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                       |
-| charSet   | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8"                              |
-| transType | String(4)  | M    | "REFD"                                 |
-| orderNum  | String(60) | M    | Refund order number                                     |
-| transID   | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.         |
-| merID     | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay                         |
-| acqID     | String(11) | M    | "99020344"                           |
+| version   | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet   | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType | String(4)  | M    | "REFD" |
+| orderNum  | String(60) | M    | Refund order number |
+| transID   | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
+| merID     | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay |
+| acqID     | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
-| RespCode  | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.                                 |
-| RespMsg   | String(20) | M    | Response message, all English characters                       |
-| transTime | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                 |
+| RespCode  | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. |
+| RespMsg   | String(20) | M    | Response message |
+| transTime | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | GWTime    | String(14) | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time |
-| signType  | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                  |
-| signature | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature                          |
+| signType  | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 ### 4.5 Refund Inqiury interface
@@ -178,35 +180,135 @@ This interface provides the function of refund transaction for access merchants.
 | Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                         |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                                     |
-| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8"                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "RFQY"                                               |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Refund order number                                                   |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay                                       |
-| acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344"                                         |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "RFQY" |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Refund order number |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay |
+| acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
-| transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                               |
-| signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                                           |
-| signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature                                                |
+| transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 3.Response message format
 | Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                         |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                                     |
-| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8"                                           |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "RFQY"                                               |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Refund order number                                                   |
-| transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.                       |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay                                      |
-| acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344"                                         |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "RFQY" |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Refund order number |
+| transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay |
+| acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
-| RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.                                              |
-| RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message, all English characters                                                     |
+| RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. |
+| RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
 | GWTime        | String(14) | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time               |
-| signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                                  |
-| signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature                                        |
+| signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+### 4.6 Pre-authorization interface
+1.Interface specification
+ This interface provides pre-authorization for access merchants.
+2.Request message format
+ The fields listed below are common fields, and each channel needs to be sent. Some channels have exclusive fields. For details, please refer to Chapter 5, Channel-Specific Configuration.
+| Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                         |
+| ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PAUT" |
+| orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
+| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00 |
+| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD" |
+| frontURL      | String(400)  | M    | When the payment is complete, jump to the address |
+| backURL       | String(400)  | M    | Payment results are asynchronously notified to this address |
+| merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay |
+| acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | Commodity information, displayed on the payment page |
+| detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires base-64 encoding of this field before signing and sending. |
+| transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
+| signType      | String(10)   | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature     | String(32)   | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+3.Response message
+  The merchant needs to provide an HTTP/HTTPS protocol interface that is included in the parameters passed to the SDK, the backURL. After the payment is complete, the AllPay server will call the backURL as a POST, informing the payment result. When merchant receive the notification, the merchant is required to return "OK".
+  If we didn't receive "OK" from merchant,AllPay will resend the response message to merchant.Time interval is[15, 15, 30, 180, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400, 14400], the unit is second.
+Parameters as follows:
+| Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                         |
+| ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PAUT" |
+| orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number |
+| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00 |
+| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD" |
+| merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay |
+| acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. |
+| RespMsg       | String(20)   | M    | Response message |
+| transID       | String(32)   | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
+| GWTime        | String(14)   | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time. |
+| transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
+| signType      | String(10)   | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature     | String(32)   | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+### 4.7 Pre-authorization completion interface
+1.Interface specification
+ This interface provides pre-authorization completion for access merchants.
+2.Request message format
+| Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description |
+| ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "PAUC" |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
+| origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | Pre-authorized order number |
+| orderAmount   | String(12) | M    | Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00 |
+| orderCurrency | String(3)  | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD"  |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay |
+| acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+3.Response message format
+| Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description |
+| ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "PAUC" |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number |
+| transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay |
+| acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. |
+| RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
+| transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| GWTime        | String(14) | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time. |
+| signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 ## 5.Channel exclusive allocation
@@ -500,22 +602,32 @@ cvv:123
 Response message:
-| Parameter     | Type   | Required | Description                            |
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
 | -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
-| RespCode | String | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.                       |
-| RespMsg  | String | M    | Response message        |
+| RespCode | String | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. |
+| RespMsg  | String | M    | Response message |
 | code_url | String | O    | Characters to generate QR code. When RespCode=00 returns it. |
+### 5.10 FC
+#### 5.10.1 Purchase/Pre-authorization
+ Purchase/Pre-authorization interface specific fields
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
+| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5" |
 ## 6.RespCode 
 | RespCode | Description      |
 | ------ | --------- |
-| 00     | Success       |
-| 01     | Fail       |
-| 04     | Processing     |
-| 61     | Exceed the limit   |
+| 00     | Success |
+| 01     | Fail |
+| 04     | Processing |
+| 61     | Exceed the limit |
 | U1     | Merchant ID is not exsit |
-| U2     | Signature is not correct   |
+| U2     | Signature is not correct |
 | U3     | Message is tampered |
 | U4     | Missing parameter   |
 | U5     | Invalid parameter |

+ 1 - 2

@@ -9,6 +9,5 @@ Serial number |Channel name  |Channel ID|Remark
  6 | Mi Pay |MIPAY| Mi Pay 
  7 | Easebuzz |EB| Easebuzz 
  8 | PassPay |PF| PassPay 
- 9 | FC |FC| FC 
+ 9 | International credit card |FC| International credit card 
  10 | Alipay HK |APHK| Alipay HK 