@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ CVV2: 123
| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
| tradeFrom | String | 是 | "H5" |
| consumer_reference | String | 是 | Consumer reference is a unique consumer identifier|
-| national_id | String | 是 | National ID of the consumer. Consumer's Brazilian Identification Number(CPF or CNPJ). Must be string between 11 and 14 digits and to have full cpf validation.|
+| document_id | String | 是 | Document ID of the consumer. Consumer's Brazilian Identification Number(CPF or CNPJ). Must be string between 11 and 14 digits and to have full cpf validation.|
| email | String | 是 | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
| phone | String | 是 | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
| firstname | String | 是 | Customer first name |