@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ p24|Przelewy24 only works for the countrycode "PL" and currencies "PLN" and "EUR
safetypay|SafetyPay only works for country codes "AT", "BE", "BR", "CL", "CR", "DE", "EC", "ES", "MX", "NL", "PE" and currencies "EUR", "USD".
qiwi|QIWI Payout only works for the countrycodes "RU", "KZ" and "UA", and - depending on your contract - currency "RUB" , "EUR" ,"KZT" and "USD".
sepaddmodela|SEPA Direct Debit works for all SEPA countries and currency EUR.
-skrill|Skrill works for worldwide and currency EUR.<br><br>The account holder name passed in the request has to be in the format <firstname><space><lastname>, with
+skrill|Skrill works for worldwide and currency EUR. In addition, the account holder name passed in the request has to be in the format <firstname><space><lastname>, with
lastname having a minimum length of two characters and the total string a minimum length of five. Multiple
first names are ok, valid examples are “John Dorian”, “William Charles Dickinson”. If these conditions are not
met, the system will not accept the request.