
Merge branch 'master' of https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common

benson 3 年之前

+ 9 - 24

@@ -184,17 +184,15 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 | signType       | String(10)  | 是    | MD5或SHA256                                   |
 | signature      | String(32)  | 是    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                         |
 ### 3.5 申报重推接口
-**1. 请求报文格式****
+**1. 请求报文格式**
 | 参数          | 类型       | 必填 | 描述                                     |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
 | version       | String(12) | 是   | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                 |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | 是   | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                        |
-| transType     | String(4)  | 是   | 查询填写“DECL”                           |
+| transType     | String(4)  | 是   | 交易类型代码:“DECL”                     |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | 是   | 交易ID                                   |
 | merID         | String(15) | 是   | 商户 ID,由GoAllPay 分配                 |
 | acqID         | String(11) | 是   | 收单行 ID "99020344"                     |
@@ -203,8 +201,6 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 | signType      | String(10) | 是   | MD5或SHA256                              |
 | signature     | String(32) | 是   | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                    |
 **2. 响应报文格式**
 | 参数           | 类型        | 必填 | 描述                              |
@@ -227,10 +223,10 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 | signType       | String(10)  | 是   | MD5或SHA256                       |
 | signature      | String(32)  | 是   | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名             |
 ## 4. 附件 1 海关列表
+***注意:海关列表为各渠道支持通过 API 报关的海关,实际支持情况以各渠道更新为准。**
 ### 4.1 支付宝海关列表
 | 海关名称                                                     | 海关编码               |
@@ -265,22 +261,11 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 ### 4.3 银联海关列表
-| 海关名称       | 海关编码          |
-| -------------- | ----------------- |
-| 海关总署       | CUSTOMSHEADOFFICE |
-| 上海海关       | SHANGHAI          |
-| 宁波海关       | NINGBO     |
-| 杭州海关总署版 | HANGZHOU |
-| 重庆海关       | CHONGQING |
-| 河南电子口岸       | HENAN |
-| 深圳海关       | SHENZHEN |
-| 福州海关       | FUZHOU |
-| 厦门海关       | XIAMEN |
-| 成都海关       | CHENGDU |
-| 青岛海关       | QINGDAO |
-| 大连综试区     | DALIAN |
-以上海关列表为各渠道支持通过 API 报关的海关,实际支持情况以各渠道更新为准。
+| 海关名称       | 海关编码          |备注|
+| -------------- | ----------------- |---|
+| 海关总署       | CUSTOMSHEADOFFICE |除了上海、宁波,其他地区海关统一填写海关总署|
+| 上海海关       | SHANGHAI          ||
+| 宁波海关       | NINGBO     ||
 ## 5. 附件 2 应答码

+ 51 - 20

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Supported request methods including POST and GET, supported parameter formats in
 | Declaration | https://testapi.allpayx.com/custom/declare | https://api.allpayx.com/custom/declare |
 | Declaration Query | https://testapi.allpayx.com/custom/query   | https://api.allpayx.com/custom/query |
 | Declaration Update | https://testapi.allpayx.com/custom/update | https://api.allpayx.com/custom/update |
+| Declaration Repush | https://testapi.allpayx.com/custom/repush | https://api.allpayx.com/custom/repush |
 ### 3.2 Declaration Interface
@@ -178,13 +179,54 @@ Supported request methods including POST and GET, supported parameter formats in
 | schemaTransId  | String(64)  | Yes    | The transaction ID of the payment channel. |
 | merID          | String(15)  | Yes    | Merchant ID. |
 | acqID          | String(11)  | Yes    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | Yes    | Channel ID. |
-| transTime       | String(14)  | Yes    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| signType        | String(10)  | Yes    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
-| signature       | String(32)  | Yes    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | Yes   | Channel ID. |
+| transTime       | String(14)  | Yes   | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType        | String(10)  | Yes   | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature       | String(32)  | Yes   | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+### 3.5 Declaration Repush Interface
+**1. Request parameters**
+| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
+| ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| version       | String(12) | Yes  | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | Yes  | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)  | Yes  | Transaction type: "DECL"  |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | Yes  | Transaction ID in the declaration interface. |
+| merID         | String(15) | Yes  | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| acqID         | String(11) | Yes  | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | Yes  | Channel ID.<br>UnionPay:UP<br>WeChat Pay:WX<br>Alipay:AP |
+| transTime     | String(14) | Yes  | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType      | String(10) | Yes  | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature     | String(32) | Yes  | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+**2. Response parameters**
+| Parameter          | Type         | Required | Description          |
+| -------------- | ----------- | ---- | --------------------------------- |
+| version        | String(12)  | Yes  | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet        | String(6)   | Yes  | "UTF-8" |
+| transType      | String(4)   | Yes  | "DECL" |
+| orderNum       | String(60)  | Yes  | Transaction ID |
+| RespCode       | String(2)   | Yes  | Response Code. "00" stands for success. See Annex 2 for details. |
+| RespMsg        | String(128) | Yes  | Response Message. |
+| customs_code   | String(64)  | Yes  | Merchant Customs Record Code |
+| customs_name   | String(128) | Yes  | Merchant Customs Record Name |
+| customs_place  | String(128) | Yes  | Customs code. |
+| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | Yes  | Conversion merchant order number of GoAllPay system. |
+| schemaTransId  | String(64)  | Yes  | The transaction ID of the payment channel. |
+| merID          | String(15)  | Yes  | Merchant ID. |
+| acqID          | String(11)  | Yes  | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema  | String(10)  | Yes  | Channel ID. |
+| transTime      | String(14)  | Yes  | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType       | String(10)  | Yes  | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature      | String(32)  | Yes  | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 ## 4. Annex 1 Customs List
+***Note: The list of customs is the customs that supports customs declaration through API for each payment channel. The actual support situation is subject to the update of each payment channel.**
 ### 4.1 Alipay customs list
 | Customs name | Customs code |
@@ -219,22 +261,11 @@ Supported request methods including POST and GET, supported parameter formats in
 ### 4.3 UnionPay customs list
-| Customs name | Customs code |
-| ----------- | -------- |
-| General Administration of Customs | CUSTOMSHEADOFFICE |
-| Shanghai | SHANGHAI |
-| Ningbo | NINGBO |
-| Hangzhou | HANGZHOU |
-| Chongqing | CHONGQING |
-| Henan Electronic Port | HENAN |
-| Shenzhen | SHENZHEN |
-| Fuzhou | FUZHOU |
-| Xiamen | XIAMEN |
-| Chengdu | CHENGDU |
-| Qingdao | QINGDAO |
-| Dalian | DALIAN |
-The above list of customs is the customs that supports customs declaration through API for each payment channel. The actual support situation is subject to the update of each payment channel.
+| Customs name | Customs code |Remark|
+| ----------- | -------- |---|
+| General Administration of Customs | CUSTOMSHEADOFFICE |Except for Shanghai and Ningbo, the customs of other regions shall uniformly fill in the General Administration of Customs.|
+| Shanghai | SHANGHAI ||
+| Ningbo | NINGBO ||
 ## 5. Annex 2 Response code

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+ 317 - 60

File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 * 版本信息:中文 V1.0.0
-* 更新时间:2020 年 12
+* 更新时间:2021 年 8
-## 1.概述
+## 1. 概述
 GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的 API 接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安全、集中式的接入服务。
-## 2.验签说明 
+## 2. 签名规则 
 1. 对于发送到 GoAllPay 系统的请求报文,其中所有传入参数(除 signature 参数外)按照字段名的 ASCII 码从小到大排序后(字典序),使用 URL 键值对的格式(即 key1=value1&key2=value2...)拼接成字符串 String1。
 2. 在 String1 最后直接拼接(不需要用“&”连接)双方约定的签名密钥 Key(接入 GoAllPay 时分配),得到 stringSignTemp 字符串,并对 stringSignTemp 进行加密运算,得到 signature 的值。
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ stringSignTemp: merID=000000000000015&signType=MD5&transID=MQkmUGAh3Gw2HEEi2f2c7
 signature: 16d93a9ac6ca89bfdefb018924f11965
-## 3.API 说明
+## 3. API 说明
 ### 3.1 获取渠道流水信息接口
+该接口可通过支付响应中的transID查询渠道流水相关信息。支持 GET / POST 请求
 | 测试环境地址                                  | 生产环境地址                              |
 | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
@@ -60,41 +60,35 @@ signature: 16d93a9ac6ca89bfdefb018924f11965
 ### 3.2 汇率查询接口
+该接口提供银联、微信、支付宝渠道汇率查询的功能。仅支持 GET 请求
 | 测试环境地址                                  | 生产环境地址                              |
 | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
 | https://test-sapi.allpayx.com/sapi/v1/get_exchange_rate | https://sapi.allpayx.com/sapi/v1/get_exchange_rate |
-| 参数      | 属性 | 描述                                  |
-| --------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
-| pid     | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配 |
-| issuer   | M    | 汇率的提供机构,取值:UPI银联国际,ALP支付宝,WXP微信支付 |
-| original_currency  | M    | 源币种,取值:USD,HKD,…… |
-| conversion_currency | M    | 转换币种,取值:CNY(当前仅支持CNY) |
-| sign_type  | M    | sha256 |
-| sign | M    | 签名 |
-| 参数      | 属性 | 描述                                  |
-| --------- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
-| rate_date     | M    | 汇率日期,8位日期格式YYYYMMDD                |
-| issuer   | M    | 汇率的提供机构,取值:UPI银联国际,ALP支付宝,WXP微信支付 |
-| original_currency  | M    | 源币种,取值:USD,HKD,……                 |
-| conversion_currency | M    | 转换币种,取值:CNY(当前仅支持CNY)                  |
-| exchange_rate  | M    | 参考汇率值                            |
+| 参数      | 类型       | 属性 | 描述  |
+| --------- |---- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
+| pid     | String(12) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配 |
+| issuer   | String(3) | M    | 汇率的提供机构,取值:UPI银联国际,ALP支付宝,WXP微信支付 |
+| original_currency  | String(3) | M    | 源币种,取值:USD,HKD,…… |
+| conversion_currency | String(3) | M    | 转换币种,取值:微信、支付宝当前仅支持CNY;银联支持CNY,USD |
+| sign_type  | String(6) | M    | sha256 |
+| sign | String(60) | M    | 签名 |
+| 参数      | 类型 | 属性 | 描述                                  |
+| --------- | ---- | ---- | ------------------------------------- |
+| status     | String(30) | M    |响应状态 |
+| message   | String(30) | M    | 响应信息 |
+| data   | Object | O   | 汇率数据详情:<br>rate_date:汇率日期,8位日期格式YYYYMMDD<br>issuer:汇率的提供机构<br>original_currency:源币种<br>conversion_currency:转换币种<br>exchange_rate:参考汇率值 |
 ### 3.3 物流信息上传接口
 | 测试环境地址                              | 生产环境地址                          |
 | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
 | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/logistics | https://api.allpayx.com/api/logistics |
@@ -114,16 +108,12 @@ signature: 16d93a9ac6ca89bfdefb018924f11965
 | 参数     | 类型       | 属性 | 描述           |
 | -------- | ---------- | ---- | -------------- |
 | RespCode | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功 |
 | RespMsg  | String(20) | M    | 应答消息       |
-## 4.应答码 
+## 4. 应答码 
 | 应答码 | 描  述       |
 | ------ | ------------ |
@@ -139,7 +129,7 @@ signature: 16d93a9ac6ca89bfdefb018924f11965
 | U9     | 系统错误     |
 | P4     | 功能不支持   |
-## 5.技术支持
+## 5. 技术支持

+ 2 - 1

@@ -31,4 +31,5 @@ konbini|Konbini only works for country code "JP" and currency "JPY".
 payeasy|Pay-easy only works for country code "JP" and currency "JPY".
 doku|DOKU Wallet only works for the countrycode "ID" and currency "IDR".
 ovo|OVO only works for the countrycode "ID" and currency "IDR".
-grabpayotp|Grabpay only works for the countrycode "SG" and currency "SGD".
+grabpayotp|Grabpay only works for the countrycode "SG" and currency "SGD".
+klarna|Klarna works for country codes "AT", "DE", "DK", "FI", "GB", "NL", "NO", "SE" and currencies "EUR", "GBP", "NOK", "SEK", "DKK".






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+ 51 - 7

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 33 - 7

+ 2 - 1

@@ -12,4 +12,5 @@ PO |PO
 India_Netbanking |India_Netbanking
-Diners Card / Discover|DNC
+Diners Card / Discover|DNC

+ 1 - 1

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ mode —— AllPay 后台环境标识,true表示从AllPay的正式环境发起
 ### 3.2 添加 SDK 包
-1.在Application Module的build.gradle文件的dependencies下添加 api("io.github.goallpay:allpaysdk:5.2.5")
+1.在Application Module的build.gradle文件的dependencies下添加 api("io.github.goallpay:allpaysdk:5.2.8")

+ 128 - 128

@@ -1,128 +1,128 @@
-# Android Integration Specification V5.0.0
-[Shanghai AllPay Technology Co., Ltd.](https://www.allpayx.com)
-* Version:English V5.0.0
-* Update Time:2019/04
-## 1.Overview
-AllPay provides access plug-ins (hereinafter referred to as "SDK") for customers based on mobile APP payments to help customers achieve fast, secure and centralized access to payment channels.
-## 2.Transaction process 
-  ![image](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/b2c/raw/master/images/moble_sdk_flowsheet.png)
-## 3.Android client access steps 
-### 3.1 Access instructions 
-The merchant gateway sends the order information to the AllPay gateway, and the AllPay gateway processes the transaction serial number, ie tn, back to the merchant gateway, and tn is used as a parameter to adjust the mobile app payment control. Please refer to the specific [AllPay Gateway Docking Document](../../AllPay_Integration_Specification_EN.md)
-Start the interface of the payment control, the interface is defined as follows:
-public static void pay(Activity activity,String tn,boolean mode)
-::: tip Parameter Description
-activity - Active object used to initiate the payment control.
-tn - Transaction serial number. Required parameter for app payment. Merchants get from the AllPay backend.
-mode - AllPay background environment ID, true means to initiate a transaction from the AllPay formal environment, false means to initiate a transaction from the AllPay test environment.
-### 3.2 Add SDK
-1.Add    api("io.github.goallpay:allpaysdk:5.2.+")     under the dependencies of the build.gradle file in the Application Module.
-2.Add in the build.gradle file of the Application Module
-repositories {
-        mavenCentral()
-        maven {
-            url 'https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/'
-        }
-### 3.3 Call payment control
-Call the payment control in the following way:
- * tn - Transaction serial number. Required parameter for app payment. Merchants get from the AllPay backend.
- * false represents the test environment, true represents the formal environment.
- */
-AllPayEngine.Pay(ShopCartActivity.this, tn, false);
-### 3.4 Synchronization result notification
-After the payment is completed, obtain the payment control payment result, and add the corresponding processing logic, just implement the onActivityResult() method in the Activity, and the example code is as follows:
-protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
-    if (data == null) {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (requestCode == AllPayConst.VTPAY_PAY_REQUESR_CODE&& resultCode == AllPayConst.VTPAY_PAY_RESULT_CODE) {
-        String result = data.getExtras().getString("pay_result");
-    }
-pay_result, which is a json string, in the following format:
-    "state": "cancel",
-    "paymentSchema": "UP",
-    "orderNum": "604337497032",
-    "errorDetail": "user cancel operation "
-Message description:
-- state: "success" stands for success, "cancel" means the user cancels the operation, "fail" means the failure, and "query" means the app needs to call the query interface to confirm the order status.
-- paymentSchema: Payment channel, see [Channel List](../../paymentSchema.md) 
-- orderNum: Order number
-- errorDetail: Error details
-## 4.Channel specific configuration
-### 4.1 WX channel
-  Add in the code in the Application AndroidManifest.xml
-  ```
-   <!-- wpay sdk begin -->
-        <activity
-            android:name="com.allpayx.sdk.wxapi.WXPayEntryActivity"
-            android:exported="true"
-            android:launchMode="singleTop" />
-        <activity-alias
-            android:name=".wxapi.WXPayEntryActivity"
-            android:exported="true"
-            android:launchMode="singleTop"
-            android:targetActivity="com.allpayx.sdk.wxapi.WXPayEntryActivity" />
-        <!-- wpay sdk end -->
-  ```
-## 5.Demo download
-[Download link](android_sdk.zip)
-## 6.Technical Support
-If you have problems debugging, please contact us: support@allpayx.com
+# Android Integration Specification V5.0.0
+[Shanghai AllPay Technology Co., Ltd.](https://www.allpayx.com)
+* Version:English V5.0.0
+* Update Time:2019/04
+## 1.Overview
+AllPay provides access plug-ins (hereinafter referred to as "SDK") for customers based on mobile APP payments to help customers achieve fast, secure and centralized access to payment channels.
+## 2.Transaction process 
+  ![image](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/b2c/raw/master/images/moble_sdk_flowsheet.png)
+## 3.Android client access steps 
+### 3.1 Access instructions 
+The merchant gateway sends the order information to the AllPay gateway, and the AllPay gateway processes the transaction serial number, ie tn, back to the merchant gateway, and tn is used as a parameter to adjust the mobile app payment control. Please refer to the specific [AllPay Gateway Docking Document](../../AllPay_Integration_Specification_EN.md)
+Start the interface of the payment control, the interface is defined as follows:
+public static void pay(Activity activity,String tn,boolean mode)
+::: tip Parameter Description
+activity - Active object used to initiate the payment control.
+tn - Transaction serial number. Required parameter for app payment. Merchants get from the AllPay backend.
+mode - AllPay background environment ID, true means to initiate a transaction from the AllPay formal environment, false means to initiate a transaction from the AllPay test environment.
+### 3.2 Add SDK
+1.Add    api("io.github.goallpay:allpaysdk:5.2.8")     under the dependencies of the build.gradle file in the Application Module.
+2.Add in the build.gradle file of the Application Module
+repositories {
+        mavenCentral()
+        maven {
+            url 'https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/'
+        }
+### 3.3 Call payment control
+Call the payment control in the following way:
+ * tn - Transaction serial number. Required parameter for app payment. Merchants get from the AllPay backend.
+ * false represents the test environment, true represents the formal environment.
+ */
+AllPayEngine.Pay(ShopCartActivity.this, tn, false);
+### 3.4 Synchronization result notification
+After the payment is completed, obtain the payment control payment result, and add the corresponding processing logic, just implement the onActivityResult() method in the Activity, and the example code is as follows:
+protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
+    if (data == null) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (requestCode == AllPayConst.VTPAY_PAY_REQUESR_CODE&& resultCode == AllPayConst.VTPAY_PAY_RESULT_CODE) {
+        String result = data.getExtras().getString("pay_result");
+    }
+pay_result, which is a json string, in the following format:
+    "state": "cancel",
+    "paymentSchema": "UP",
+    "orderNum": "604337497032",
+    "errorDetail": "user cancel operation "
+Message description:
+- state: "success" stands for success, "cancel" means the user cancels the operation, "fail" means the failure, and "query" means the app needs to call the query interface to confirm the order status.
+- paymentSchema: Payment channel, see [Channel List](../../paymentSchema.md) 
+- orderNum: Order number
+- errorDetail: Error details
+## 4.Channel specific configuration
+### 4.1 WX channel
+  Add in the code in the Application AndroidManifest.xml
+  ```
+   <!-- wpay sdk begin -->
+        <activity
+            android:name="com.allpayx.sdk.wxapi.WXPayEntryActivity"
+            android:exported="true"
+            android:launchMode="singleTop" />
+        <activity-alias
+            android:name=".wxapi.WXPayEntryActivity"
+            android:exported="true"
+            android:launchMode="singleTop"
+            android:targetActivity="com.allpayx.sdk.wxapi.WXPayEntryActivity" />
+        <!-- wpay sdk end -->
+  ```
+## 5.Demo download
+[Download link](android_sdk.zip)
+## 6.Technical Support
+If you have problems debugging, please contact us: support@allpayx.com