Kaynağa Gözat

Merge branch 'master' of https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common

benson 3 yıl önce

+ 28 - 18

@@ -72,23 +72,25 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 | 参数           | 类型        | 属性 | 描述                                          |
 | -------------- | ----------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| version        | String(12)  | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                      |
-| charSet        | String(6)   | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                             |
+| version        | String(12)  | M    | “VER000000005”                      |
+| charSet        | String(6)   | M    | “UTF-8”                             |
 | transType      | String(4)   | M    | “DECL”                                        |
 | orderNum       | String(60)  | M    | 交易ID                                        |
 | RespCode       | String(2)   | M    | 应答码 00-成功。详见附件 2 应答码             |
 | RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | 应答消息                                      |
 | customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | 商户在海关报备的编码                          |
 | customs_name   | String(128) | M    | 商户在海关报备的名称                          |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | 海关,详见附件 1 海关列表                     |
+| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | 海关                     |
 | allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | GoAllPay系统的转换商户订单号                    |
 | schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | 支付渠道的交易ID。<br/>注:银联报关需要用该字段作为物流单以及销售单的报关单号 |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID,由GoAllPay 分配                        |
+| merID          | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID          | String(11)  | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
-| paymentSchema  | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码。银联:UP,微信:WX,支付宝:AP |
+| paymentSchema  | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码 |
 | transTime      | String(14)  | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"              |
 | signType       | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                   |
 | signature      | String(32)  | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                         |
+| originalRequest      | Object  | M    | 原始报关请求                         |
+| originalResponse      | Object  | M    | 原始报关响应                        |
 ### 3.3 申报查询接口
@@ -111,20 +113,20 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 | 参数           | 类型        | 属性 | 描述                                          |
 | ------------- | ----------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| version        | String(12)  | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                      |
-| charSet        | String(6)   | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                             |
+| version        | String(12)  | M    | “VER000000005”                      |
+| charSet        | String(6)   | M    | “UTF-8”                             |
 | transType      | String(4)   | M    | “DECL”                                        |
 | orderNum       | String(60)  | M    | 交易ID                                        |
 | RespCode       | String(2)   | M    | 应答码 00-成功。详见附件 2 应答码                                |
 | RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | 应答消息                                      |
 | customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | 商户在海关报备的编码                          |
 | customs_name   | String(128) | M    | 商户在海关报备的名称                          |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | 海关,详见附件 1 海关列表                        |
+| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | 海关 |
 | allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | GoAllPay系统的转换商户订单号                    |
 | schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | 支付渠道的交易ID。 |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                        |
+| merID          | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID          | String(11)  | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
-| paymentSchema  | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码。银联:UP,微信:WX,支付宝:AP |
+| paymentSchema  | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码 |
 | transTime      | String(14)  | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"              |
 | signType       | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                  |
 | signature      | String(32)  | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                     |
@@ -163,20 +165,20 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 | 参数           | 类型        | 属性 | 描述                                          |
 | -------------- | ----------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| version        | String(12)  | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                      |
-| charSet        | String(6)   | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                             |
+| version        | String(12)  | M    | “VER000000005”                      |
+| charSet        | String(6)   | M    | “UTF-8”                             |
 | transType      | String(4)   | M    | “DECL”                                        |
 | orderNum       | String(60)  | M    | 交易ID                                        |
 | RespCode       | String(2)   | M    | 应答码 00-成功。详见附件 2 应答码             |
 | RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | 应答消息                                      |
 | customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | 商户在海关报备的编码                          |
 | customs_name   | String(128) | M    | 商户在海关报备的名称                          |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | 海关,详见附件 1 海关列表                     |
+| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | 海关 |
 | allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | GoAllPay系统的转换商户订单号                    |
 | schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | 支付渠道的交易ID                              |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID,由GoAllPay 分配                        |
+| merID          | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID          | String(11)  | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
-| paymentSchema  | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码。银联:UP,微信:WX,支付宝:AP |
+| paymentSchema  | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码 |
 | transTime      | String(14)  | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"              |
 | signType       | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                   |
 | signature      | String(32)  | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                         |
@@ -220,10 +222,17 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 | 海关名称       | 海关编码          |
 | -------------- | ----------------- |
 | 海关总署       | CUSTOMSHEADOFFICE |
-| 北京海关       | CUSTOMSHEADOFFICE |
-| 广州海关       | GUANGZHOU         |
-| 宁波海关       | NINGBO     |
 | 上海海关       | SHANGHAI          |
+| 宁波海关       | NINGBO     |
+| 杭州海关总署版 | HANGZHOU |
+| 重庆海关       | CHONGQING |
+| 河南电子口岸       | HENAN |
+| 深圳海关       | SHENZHEN |
+| 福州海关       | FUZHOU |
+| 厦门海关       | XIAMEN |
+| 成都海关       | CHENGDU |
+| 青岛海关       | QINGDAO |
+| 大连综试区     | DALIAN |
 以上海关列表为各渠道支持通过 API 报关的海关,实际支持情况以各渠道更新为准。
@@ -246,6 +255,7 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 | U9     | 系统错误     |
 | P1     | 渠道未配置   |
 | P2     | 币种未配置   |
+| P5     | 渠道错误   |
 | E1     | 身份信息不匹配   |

+ 22 - 12

@@ -80,15 +80,17 @@ Supported request methods including POST and GET, supported parameter formats in
 | RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | Response Message. |
 | customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
 | customs_name   | String(128) | M    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | Customs code, see Annex 1 Customs List for details. |
+| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | Customs code. |
 | allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | Conversion merchant order number of GoAllPay system. |
 | schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | The transaction ID of the payment channel.<br/>Note: UnionPay customs declaration needs to use this field as the customs declaration number of the logistics and sales orders. |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| merID          | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID |
 | acqID          | String(11)  | M    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID.<br>UnionPay:UP<br>WeChat Pay:WX<br>Alipay:AP |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID. |
 | transTime       | String(14)  | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType        | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature       | String(32)  | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+| originalRequest      | Object  | M    | Original customs declaration request |
+| originalResponse      | Object  | M    | Original customs declaration response |
 ### 3.3 Declaration Query Interface
@@ -119,12 +121,12 @@ Supported request methods including POST and GET, supported parameter formats in
 | RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | Response Message. |
 | customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
 | customs_name   | String(128) | M    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | Customs code, see Annex 1 Customs List for details. |
+| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | Customs code. |
 | allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | Conversion merchant order number of GoAllPay system. |
 | schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | The transaction ID of the payment channel. |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay. |
+| merID          | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID. |
 | acqID          | String(11)  | M    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID.<br>UnionPay:UP<br>WeChat Pay:WX<br>Alipay:AP |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID. |
 | transTime       | String(14)  | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType        | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature       | String(32)  | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
@@ -171,12 +173,12 @@ Supported request methods including POST and GET, supported parameter formats in
 | RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | Response Message. |
 | customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
 | customs_name   | String(128) | M    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | Customs code, see Annex 1 Customs List for details. |
+| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | Customs code. |
 | allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | Conversion merchant order number of GoAllPay system. |
 | schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | The transaction ID of the payment channel. |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay. |
+| merID          | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID. |
 | acqID          | String(11)  | M    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID.<br>UnionPay:UP<br>WeChat Pay:WX<br>Alipay:AP |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID. |
 | transTime       | String(14)  | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType        | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature       | String(32)  | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
@@ -220,10 +222,17 @@ Supported request methods including POST and GET, supported parameter formats in
 | Customs name | Customs code |
 | ----------- | -------- |
 | General Administration of Customs | CUSTOMSHEADOFFICE |
-| Guangzhou | GUANGZHOU |
-| Ningbo | NINGBO |
 | Shanghai | SHANGHAI |
+| Ningbo | NINGBO |
+| Hangzhou | HANGZHOU |
+| Chongqing | CHONGQING |
+| Henan Electronic Port | HENAN |
+| Shenzhen | SHENZHEN |
+| Fuzhou | FUZHOU |
+| Xiamen | XIAMEN |
+| Chengdu | CHENGDU |
+| Qingdao | QINGDAO |
+| Dalian | DALIAN |
 The above list of customs is the customs that supports customs declaration through API for each payment channel. The actual support situation is subject to the update of each payment channel.
@@ -246,6 +255,7 @@ The above list of customs is the customs that supports customs declaration throu
 | U9     | System error   |
 | P1     | Channel is not setted  |
 | P2     | Currency is not setted  |
+| P5     | Channel error  |
 | E1     | Identity information does not match |
 ***Note: If the response code is 04 when using Unionpay custom declaration, it means the declaration is still processing now. Merchant needs to to call the declaration query API to get the final status later.**

+ 2 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # AllPay报关接口规范说明文档V5.0.0
+<!-- 适用于globepay微信 -->
-> [上海偶可贝网络科技有限公司](https://www.allpayx.com)
+> [上海偶可贝网络科技有限公司](https://www.goallpayx.com)
 > - 版本信息:中文 V5.0.0
 > - 更新时间:2019 年 5 月

+ 78 - 78

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005” |
 | charSet       | String(6)    | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8” |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | 消费交易填写“PURC” |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | 消费交易填写“PURC” |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | 订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 |
 | orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | 订单金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00 |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD" |
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配 |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID:[点击查看详情](paymentSchema.md) |
-| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | 商品信息,在支付页面上显示。 |
+| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | 商品信息。 |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | 商品明细。格式:[{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}],需对该参数进行Base64编码后签名上送。 |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | 商户预留内容,可传任意内容,如购买商品信息、员号等,但不要传特殊符号,如逗号等。 |
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | 参数          | 类型         | 属性 | 描述                                                         |
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12)   | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005” |
-| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8” |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | 消费交易填写“PURC” |
+| version       | String(12)   | M    | “VER000000005” |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | “UTF-8” |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | “PURC” |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | 订单号 |
-| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | 订单金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00 |
-| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD" |
-| merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配 |
+| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | 订单金额 |
+| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种 |
+| merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第5章应答码 |
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |
 | GWTime        | String(14)   | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss,为 GW 时间                                   |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
-| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | 商户预留内容,可传任意内容,如购买商品信息、员号等,但不要传特殊符号,如逗号。 |
+| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | 商户预留内容 |
 | signType      | String(10)   | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
 | signature     | String(32)   | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 查询填写“INQY”                                               |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | 查询填写“INQY”                                               |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 支付订单号                                                       |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                       |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
@@ -132,19 +132,19 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | 参数          | 类型       | 属性 | 描述                                                         |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
-| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | “PURC”                                               |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | “VER000000005”                                     |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | “UTF-8”                                            |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | “PURC”                                               |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 支付订单号                                                       |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第5章应答码 |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                                                     |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
 | GWTime        | String(14) | M    | YYYYMMDDHHMMSS,为 GW 时间,目前为本地交易时间               |
-| signType      | String(3)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
+| signType      | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
 ### 4.4 退款交易接口
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 退款填写“REFD”                                               |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | 退款填写“REFD”                                               |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 退款订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下退款订单号不能重复 |
 | origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | 原支付订单号                                                 |
 | returnAmount  | String(12) | M    | 退款金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
@@ -177,19 +177,19 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:[点击这里](paymentSchema.md) |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
-| signType      | String(3)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
+| signType      | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
 | 参数      | 类型       | 属性 | 描述                                           |
 | --------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| version   | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                       |
-| charSet   | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                              |
-| transType | String(4)  | M    | 退款填写“REFD”                                 |
+| version   | String(12) | M    | “VER000000005”                       |
+| charSet   | String(6)  | M    | “UTF-8”                              |
+| transType | String(10)  | M    | “REFD”                                 |
 | orderNum  | String(60) | M    | 退款订单号                                     |
 | transID   | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一         |
-| merID     | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                         |
+| merID     | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID     | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                           |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID |
 | RespCode  | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第5章应答码 |
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 查询填写“RFQY”                                               |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | 查询填写“RFQY”                                               |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 退款订单号                                                   |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                       |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
@@ -231,12 +231,12 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | 参数          | 类型       | 属性 | 描述                                                         |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
-| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | “REFD”                                               |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | “VER000000005”                                     |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | “UTF-8”                                            |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | “REFD”                                               |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 退款订单号                                                   |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第5章应答码 |
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)    | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | 预授权填写“PAUT”                                             |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | 预授权填写“PAUT”                                             |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | 订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复       |
 | orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | 订单金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"        |
@@ -273,24 +273,24 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID:[点击这里](paymentSchema.md) |
-| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | 商品信息,在支付页面上显示                                  |
+| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | 商品信息。 |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | 商品明细。格式:[{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}],需对该参数进行base64编码后签名上送。 |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
 | merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | 商户预留内容,可传任意内容,如购买商品信息、员号等,但不要传特殊符号,如逗号等。 |
-| signType      | String(10)   | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
-| signature     | String(32)   | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
+| signType      | String(10)   | M    | MD5或SHA256 |
+| signature     | String(32)   | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名 |
 | 参数          | 类型         | 属性 | 描述                                                         |
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12)   | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
-| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | 预授权填写“PAUT”                                             |
+| version       | String(12)   | M    | “VER000000005”                                     |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | “UTF-8”                                            |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | “PAUT”                                             |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | 订单号                                                       |
-| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | 订单金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
-| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"        |
-| merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
+| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | 订单金额 |
+| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种 |
+| merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第5章应答码 |
@@ -298,9 +298,9 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |
 | GWTime        | String(14)   | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss,为 GW 时间                                   |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
-| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | 商户预留内容,可传任意内容,如购买商品信息、员号等,但不要传特殊符号,如逗号。 |
-| signType      | String(10)   | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
-| signature     | String(32)   | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
+| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | 商户预留内容 |
+| signType      | String(10)   | M    | MD5或SHA256 |
+| signature     | String(32)   | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名 |
 ### 4.7 预授权完成接口
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                               |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                      |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 预授权完成填写“PAUC”                                       |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | 预授权完成填写“PAUC”                                       |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 |
 | origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | 原预授权订单号                                   |
 | orderAmount   | String(12) | M    | 订单金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00              |
@@ -339,12 +339,12 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | 参数          | 类型       | 属性 | 描述                                           |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                       |
-| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                              |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 预授权完成填写“PAUC”                                 |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | “VER000000005”                       |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | “UTF-8”                              |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | “PAUC”                                 |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 预授权完成订单号                               |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一         |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                        |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                           |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID                                  |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第5章应答码 |
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 填写“VOID”                                                   |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | 填写“VOID”                                                   |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复       |
 | origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | 原交易订单号:要撤销的订单号,可以为消费、预授权、预授权完成的orderNum |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
@@ -388,12 +388,12 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | 参数          | 类型       | 属性 | 描述                                           |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                       |
-| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                              |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 填写“VOID”                                 |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | “VER000000005”                       |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | “UTF-8”                              |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | “VOID”                                 |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 撤销订单号                                     |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一         |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                        |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                           |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第5章应答码 |
@@ -424,19 +424,19 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:[点击这里](paymentSchema.md) |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
-| signType      | String(3)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
+| signType      | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
 | 参数          | 类型       | 属性 | 描述                                           |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                       |
-| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                              |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 人工退款填写“REFDREQ”                          |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | “VER000000005”                       |
+| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | “UTF-8”                              |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | “REFDREQ”                          |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 退款订单号                                     |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一         |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                        |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                           |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID                                 |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00 代表申请已受理                       |
@@ -479,17 +479,17 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | 参数          | 类型       | 属性 | 描述                                                       |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                   |
-| transType     | String(10) | M    | 绑卡 "BIND"                                                |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 绑卡订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | “VER000000005”                                   |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | "BIND"                                                |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 绑卡订单号 |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                     |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                  |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID                                                   |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID|
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00 代表成功                                         |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                                                   |
 | token         | String(32) | O    | 应答码为 00时返回                                          |
-| customerId    | String(60) | O    | 用户ID:  商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下不同用户不能重复  |
-| cardNoTail    | String(4)  | O    | 渠道为FC时返回 ,卡号后四位                                 |
+| customerId    | String(60) | O    | 用户ID |
+| cardNoTail    | String(4)  | O    | 渠道为FC时返回卡号后四位                                 |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                           |
 | GWTime        | String(14) | M    | YYYYMMDDHHMMSS,为 GW 时间,目前为本地交易时间             |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                |
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)    | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | 消费填写“PURC”                                               |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | 消费填写“PURC”                                               |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | 订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复       |
 | orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | 订单金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"        |
@@ -535,13 +535,13 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | 参数          | 类型         | 属性 | 描述                                                         |
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version       | String(12)   | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
-| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | 消费填写“PURC”                                               |
+| version       | String(12)   | M    | “VER000000005”                                     |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | “UTF-8”                                            |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | “PURC”                                               |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | 订单号                                                       |
-| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | 订单金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
-| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"        |
-| merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
+| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | 订单金额 |
+| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种 |
+| merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第5章应答码             |
@@ -549,9 +549,9 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |
 | GWTime        | String(14)   | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss,为 GW 时间                                   |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
-| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | 商户预留内容,可传任意内容,如购买商品信息、员号等,但不要传特殊符号,如逗号。 |
-| signType      | String(10)   | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
-| signature     | String(32)   | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
+| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | 商户预留内容 |
+| signType      | String(10)   | M    | MD5或SHA256 |
+| signature     | String(32)   | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名 |
 ### 4.12 解约接口
@@ -579,16 +579,16 @@ signature: 1e0f24d39cdc8236d17a5f6f17672611
 | 参数          | 类型       | 属性 | 描述                                                       |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                   |
-| transType     | String(10) | M    | 绑卡 "UNBIND"                                              |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 解绑订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 |
+| version       | String(12) | M    | “VER000000005”                                   |
+| transType     | String(10) | M    | "UNBIND"                                              |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 解绑订单号 |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                     |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                  |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID                                                   |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00 代表成功                                         |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                                                   |
-| customerId    | String(60) | O    | 用户ID:  商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下不同用户不能重复  |
-| cardNoTail    | String(4)  | O    | 卡号后四位,渠道为FC时返回                                  |
+| customerId    | String(60) | O    | 用户ID |
+| cardNoTail    | String(4)  | O    | 卡号后四位渠道为FC时返回                                  |
 | token         | String(32) | O    | token                                                      |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                           |
 | GWTime        | String(14) | M    | YYYYMMDDHHMMSS,为 GW 时间,目前为本地交易时间             |

+ 49 - 49

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PURC" |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | "PURC" |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number       |
 | orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100CNY, it will be 100 or 100.00                    |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD" |
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344"  |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID:[Click Here](paymentSchema.md) |
-| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | Commodity information, displayed on the payment page   |
+| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | Commodity information   |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires Base64 encoding of this field before signing and sending. |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
@@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PURC" |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | "PURC" |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number |
-| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100CNY, it will be 100 or 100.00 |
-| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"        |
-| merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount |
+| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order |
+| merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | GWTime        | String(14)   | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time. |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
+| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content. |
 | signType      | String(10)   | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32)   | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8"                                            |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "INQY"                                             |
+| transType     | String(10)  | M    | "INQY"                                             |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Original payment order number                      |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay                                       |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344"                                         |
@@ -135,17 +135,17 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "PURC" |
+| transType     | String(10)  | M    | "PURC" |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Original payment order number |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | GWTime        | String(14) | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time  |
-| signType      | String(3)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signType      | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 ### 4.4 Refund interface
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "REFD" |
+| transType     | String(10)  | M    | "REFD" |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Refund order number: it is defined by the merchant, and the refund order number under the same merchant number cannot be repeated |
 | origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | Original trade order number                                                 |
 | returnAmount  | String(12) | M    | Refund amount: if 100CNY, it is 100 or 100.00                    |
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID:[Click Here](paymentSchema.md) |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| signType      | String(3)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signType      | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 **3.Response parameters**
@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | --------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
 | version   | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet   | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType | String(4)  | M    | "REFD" |
+| transType | String(10)  | M    | "REFD" |
 | orderNum  | String(60) | M    | Refund order number |
 | transID   | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
-| merID     | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| merID     | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID |
 | acqID     | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode  | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "RFQY" |
+| transType     | String(10)  | M    | "RFQY" |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Refund order number |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
@@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "REFD" |
+| transType     | String(10)  | M    | "REFD" |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Refund order number |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PAUT" |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | "PAUT" |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
 | orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100CNY, it will be 100 or 100.00 |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD" |
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ It consists of general fields and channel-specific fields. All upload fields mus
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID: [Click Here](paymentSchema.md) |
-| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | Commodity information, displayed on the payment page |
+| goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | Commodity information |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires base-64 encoding of this field before signing and sending. |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
@@ -295,11 +295,11 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PAUT" |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | "PAUT" |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number |
-| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100CNY, it will be 100 or 100.00 |
-| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD" |
-| merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount |
+| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order |
+| merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | GWTime        | String(14)   | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time. |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
+| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content. |
 | signType      | String(10)   | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32)   | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "PAUC" |
+| transType     | String(10)  | M    | "PAUC" |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
 | origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | Pre-authorized order number |
 | orderAmount   | String(12) | M    | Order amount: if 100CNY, it will be 100 or 100.00 |
@@ -351,10 +351,10 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "PAUC" |
+| transType     | String(10)  | M    | "PAUC" |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------- |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "VOID" |
+| transType     | String(10)  | M    | "VOID" |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
 | origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | Original transaction order number: The order number to be revoked, which can be consumption, pre-authorization, pre-authorization completed orderNum |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
@@ -401,10 +401,10 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | --------------- |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "VOID" |
+| transType     | String(10)  | M    | "VOID" |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number of cancellation |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ To refund the payments which are more than 90 days ago, the merchant can't proce
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | "REFDREQ" |
+| transType     | String(10)  | M    | "REFDREQ" |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Refund order number: it is defined by the merchant, and the refund order number under the same merchant number cannot be repeated |
 | origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | Original trade order number                                                 |
 | returnAmount  | String(12) | M    | Refund amount: if 100CNY, it is 100 or 100.00                    |
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ To refund the payments which are more than 90 days ago, the merchant can't proce
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID: [Click Here](paymentSchema.md) |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| signType      | String(3)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signType      | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 **3.Response parameters**
@@ -444,10 +444,10 @@ To refund the payments which are more than 90 days ago, the merchant can't proce
 | --------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------- |
 | version   | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet   | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType | String(4)  | M    | "REFDREQ" |
+| transType | String(10)  | M    | "REFDREQ" |
 | orderNum  | String(60) | M    | Refund order number |
 | transID   | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
-| merID     | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| merID     | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID |
 | acqID     | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode  | String(2)  | M    | 00 means the application has been accepted |
@@ -486,14 +486,14 @@ To refund the payments which are more than 90 days ago, the merchant can't proce
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                                 |
 | transType     | String(10) | M    | "BIND"                                                |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | token         | String(32) | O    | Returned when the response code is 00 |
-| customerId    | String(60) | O    | User ID: It is defined by the merchant, and it cannot be repeated under the same merchant number. |
+| customerId    | String(60) | O    | User ID. |
 | cardNoTail    | String(4)  | O    | The last four digits of the card number, return when the channel is FC |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | GWTime        | String(14) | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time |
@@ -528,13 +528,13 @@ To refund the payments which are more than 90 days ago, the merchant can't proce
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | transType     | String(10) | M    | "UNBIND"                                              |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
-| customerId    | String(60) | O    | User ID: It is defined by the merchant, and it cannot be repeated under the same merchant number. |
+| customerId    | String(60) | O    | User ID. |
 | cardNoTail    | String(4)  | O    | The last four digits of the card number, return when the channel is FC |
 | token         | String(32) | O    | token |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ To refund the payments which are more than 90 days ago, the merchant can't proce
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PURC" |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | "PURC" |
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
 | orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100CNY, it will be 100 or 100.00 |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD" |
@@ -588,19 +588,19 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ---------- |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
 | charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)    | M    | "PURC" |
-| orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
-| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100CNY, it will be 100 or 100.00 |
-| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD" |
-| merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
-| acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344"                                         |
+| transType     | String(10)    | M    | "PURC" |
+| orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number |
+| orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount|
+| orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order |
+| merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID |
+| acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344" |
 | paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20)   | M    | Response message |
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | GWTime        | String(14)   | M    | yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
+| merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content. |
 | signType      | String(10)   | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32)   | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |

+ 2 - 0

@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ signature: 16d93a9ac6ca89bfdefb018924f11965
 | billAmount     | String(12) | O    | 扣账金额:人民币金额。目前只有支付宝和微信有值,其他渠道为空。 |
 | truncatePan     | String(32) | O   | 截断卡号。目前只支持外卡 |
 | paymentTime    | String(14) | O    | 支付完成时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| originalRequest    | Object | O    | 原始支付请求,数据格式:JSON |
+| originalResponse    | Object | O    | 原始支付响应,数据格式:JSON |
 | transID        | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |
 | paymentSchema  | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:[点击这里](paymentSchema.md) |
 | RespCode       | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功                                               |

+ 2 - 1

@@ -31,4 +31,5 @@ rapipago|Rapi Pago (Argentina) is available for currency USD and country code AR
 konbini|Konbini only works for country code "JP" and currency "JPY".
 payeasy|Pay-easy only works for country code "JP" and currency "JPY".
 doku|DOKU Wallet only works for the countrycode "ID" and currency "IDR".
-ovo|OVO only works for the countrycode "ID" and currency "IDR".
+ovo|OVO only works for the countrycode "ID" and currency "IDR".
+grabpayotp|Grabpay only works for the countrycode "SG" and currency "SGD".

Dosya farkı çok büyük olduğundan ihmal edildi
+ 107 - 91

Dosya farkı çok büyük olduğundan ihmal edildi
+ 184 - 40

+ 2 - 7

@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
 # Channel list
 Channel name  |Channel ID
- -----|----
 WeChat Pay |WX
 Alipay |AP
 UnionPay |UP
 Apple Pay |APP
-CCAvenue |CA
-Mi Pay |MIPAY
-Easebuzz |EB
-PassPay |PF
 International card |FC
-Alipay HK |APHK
 RevPay |RevPay 
 AliPayLocal |AliPayLocal
 India_Netbanking |India_Netbanking