@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ This interface provides the function of purchase transaction for access merchant
| merReserve | String(1024) | No | Reserved content, customized by the merchant. Note: Don't include special symbols, such as "#", "&", "+", etc. |
| merReserve | String(1024) | No | Reserved content, customized by the merchant. Note: Don't include special symbols, such as "#", "&", "+", etc. |
| signType | String(10) | Yes | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
| signType | String(10) | Yes | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
| signature | String(32) | Yes | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
| signature | String(32) | Yes | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
-| OsType | String(20) | Yes | OS type. "IOS", "ANDROID", "HARMONYOS", "WINDOWS", "MAC", "OTHER". Choose one of them. |
+| OsType | String(20) | Yes | OS type.<br>"IOS", "ANDROID", "HARMONYOS", "WINDOWS", "MAC", "OTHER". Choose one of them. |
| OsVersion | String(20) | Yes | OS version. Example: "10.0.19043" |
| OsVersion | String(20) | Yes | OS version. Example: "10.0.19043" |
**3. Response parameters**
**3. Response parameters**