tao.zhou 3 anni fa
1 ha cambiato i file con 1 aggiunte e 1 eliminazioni
  1. 1 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -602,12 +602,12 @@ To refund the payments which are more than 90 days ago, the merchant can't proce
 | version       | String(12) | Yes    | "VER000000005" |
 | transType     | String(10) | Yes    | "UNBIND"                                              |
 | orderNum      | String(60) | Yes    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
-| orderCurrency | String(3)  | Yes    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD" |
 | customerId    | String(60) | Yes    | User ID: It is defined by the merchant, and it cannot be repeated under the same merchant number. |
 | token         | String(32) | Yes    | The token returned after the card is successfully bound |
 | merID         | String(15) | Yes    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | paymentSchema | String(10) | Yes    | Channel ID: [Click Here](paymentSchema.md) |
 | transTime     | String(14) | Yes    | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| tradeFrom     | String(20) | Yes    | "PAN-BINGDING"                           |
 | signType      | String(10) | Yes    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32) | Yes    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |