tao.zhou 4 éve

+ 29 - 23

@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
+ 由通用字段和渠道专属字段组成。凡是上送字段都需参与签名。消费接口分为跳转型和参数返回型,默认为跳转型,参数返回型会在渠道专属字段中说明。
+ **通用字段:**
 | 参数          | 类型         | 属性 | 描述                                                         |
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | backURL       | String(400)  | M    | 支付结果异步通知到该地址                                     |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                       |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道代码:[点击查看详情](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID:[点击查看详情](!(paymentSchema.md)) |
 | goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | 商品信息,在支付页面上显示。                                    |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | 商品明细。格式:[{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}],需对该字段进行base-64编码后签名上送。 |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
@@ -66,6 +68,10 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | signType      | String(10)   | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                   |
 | signature     | String(32)   | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                         |
+ **渠道专属字段**
+ [点击查看](!(paymentSchema.md))
   商户需要提供一个 http/https 协议的接口,包含在参数里传递给GoAllPay,即 backURL。GoAllPay 服务器在支付完成后,会以 Post 方式调用 backURL,通知支付结果(JSON)。商户在接收到通知后,需响应字符串“OK”。
@@ -84,7 +90,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"        |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道代码:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第6章应答码 |
 | RespMsg       | String(20)   | M    | 应答消息                                                     |
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |
@@ -117,7 +123,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 支付订单号                                                       |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                       |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                               |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                          |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                                |
@@ -133,7 +139,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第6章应答码 |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                                                     |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
@@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | returnAmount  | String(12) | M    | 退款金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)  | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准 如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"          |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                       |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
 | signType      | String(3)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
@@ -185,7 +191,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | transID   | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一         |
 | merID     | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                         |
 | acqID     | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                           |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | RespCode  | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第6章应答码 |
 | RespMsg   | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                       |
 | transTime | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                 |
@@ -216,7 +222,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 退款订单号                                                   |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                       |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                               |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                          |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                                |
@@ -232,7 +238,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:[点击这里](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第6章应答码 |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                                                     |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
@@ -262,7 +268,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | backURL       | String(400)  | M    | 支付结果异步通知到该地址                                     |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道代码:FC                                                 |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID:FC                                                 |
 | goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | 商品信息,在支付页面上显示。                                  |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | 商品明细。格式:[{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}],需对该字段进行base-64编码后签名上送。 |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
@@ -288,7 +294,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"        |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道代码:FC                                                 |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID:FC                                                 |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第6章应答码 |
 | RespMsg       | String(20)   | M    | 应答消息                                                     |
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |
@@ -326,7 +332,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | orderCurrency | String(3)  | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"  |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                   |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:FC                                           |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:FC                                           |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | MD5或SHA256                                            |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                  |
@@ -342,7 +348,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一         |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                        |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                           |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:FC                                   |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:FC                                   |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第6章应答码 |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                                       |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"               |
@@ -375,7 +381,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | 原交易订单号:要撤销的订单号,可以为消费、预授权、预授权完成的orderNum |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:FC                                                 |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:FC                                                 |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
@@ -391,7 +397,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一         |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                        |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                           |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:FC                                   |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:FC                                   |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第6章应答码 |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                                       |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"               |
@@ -417,7 +423,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | returnAmount  | String(12) | M    | 退款金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)  | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准 如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"          |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                       |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:FC                                                 |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:FC                                                 |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
 | signType      | String(3)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
@@ -434,7 +440,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一         |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                        |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                           |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码:FC                                   |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID:FC                                   |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00 代表申请已受理                       |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                                       |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"               |
@@ -460,7 +466,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | frontURL      | String(400) | M    | 绑定结果前端跳转地址                                       |
 | backURL       | String(400) | M    | 绑定成功后异步通知到该地址                                 |
 | merID         | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                  |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码                                                   |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)  | M    | 渠道ID                                                   |
 | transTime     | String(14)  | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                           |
 | signType      | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                |
 | signature     | String(32)  | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                      |
@@ -474,7 +480,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 绑卡订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                     |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                  |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码                                                   |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID                                                   |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00 代表成功                                         |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                                                   |
 | token         | String(32) | O    | 应答码为 00时返回                                          |
@@ -502,7 +508,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | customerId    | String(60) | M    | 用户ID:  商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下不同用户不能重复  |
 | token         | String(32) | M    | 绑卡时返回的token                                          |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                  |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码                                                   |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID                                                   |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                           |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                      |
@@ -516,7 +522,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 解绑订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复 |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                     |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                  |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码                                                   |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道ID                                                   |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 应答码 00 代表成功                                         |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | 应答消息                                                   |
 | customerId    | String(60) | O    | 用户ID:  商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下不同用户不能重复  |
@@ -548,7 +554,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | token         | String(32)   | M    | 绑卡时返回的token                                            |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                    |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道代码                                                     |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID                                                     |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | 商品明细。格式:[{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}],需对该字段进行base-64编码后签名上送。 |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
 | merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | 商户预留内容,可传任意内容,如购买商品信息、员号等,但不要传特殊符号,如逗号等。 |
@@ -567,7 +573,7 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"        |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配                                      |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道代码:FC                                                 |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | 渠道ID:FC                                                 |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 应答码 00-成功,01-失败。详情见本文档第6章应答码             |
 | RespMsg       | String(20)   | M    | 应答消息                                                     |
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | GW 系统生成的交易 ID,每笔交易保持唯一                       |

+ 22 - 22

@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ This field is a list of common fields, sending, every channel needs some channel
 | backURL       | String(400)  | M    | Payment results are asynchronously notified to this address     |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay                                       |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344"  |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | Commodity information, displayed on the payment page   |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires base-64 encoding of this field before signing and sending. |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                               |
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"        |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay                                      |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344"                                 |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20)   | M    | Response message |
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.                       |
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Original payment order number                      |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay                                       |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                               |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                                          |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature                                                |
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | returnAmount  | String(12) | M    | Refund amount: if 100 yuan, it is 100 or 100.00                    |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)  | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"          |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay                                       |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType      | String(3)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | transID   | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | merID     | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID     | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | RespCode  | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg   | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | transTime | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Refund order number |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID:[Click Here](https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common/src/master/paymentSchema.md) |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"                             |
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | backURL       | String(400)  | M    | Payment results are asynchronously notified to this address |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | goodsInfo     | String(60)   | M    | Commodity information, displayed on the payment page |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires base-64 encoding of this field before signing and sending. |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD" |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20)   | M    | Response message |
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | orderCurrency | String(3)  | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD"  |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | origOrderNum  | String(60) | M    | Original transaction order number: The order number to be revoked, which can be consumption, pre-authorization, pre-authorization completed orderNum |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ To refund the transaction before 90 days, the merchant can't process the online
 | returnAmount  | String(12) | M    | Refund amount: if 100 yuan, it is 100 or 100.00                    |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)  | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"          |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay                                       |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | acqID         | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType      | String(3)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ To refund the transaction before 90 days, the merchant can't process the online
 | transID   | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | merID     | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID     | String(11) | M    | "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | RespCode  | String(2)  | M    | 00 means the application has been accepted |
 | RespMsg   | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | transTime | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ To refund the transaction before 90 days, the merchant can't process the online
 | frontURL      | String(400) | M    | Binding result front-end jump address |
 | backURL       | String(400) | M    | After binding successfully, it will be notified to this address asynchronously |
 | merID         | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)  | M    | Channel code: "FC"                                                   |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID: "FC"                                                   |
 | transTime     | String(14)  | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType      | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                                |
 | signature     | String(32)  | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ To refund the transaction before 90 days, the merchant can't process the online
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | token         | String(32) | O    | Returned when the response code is 00 |
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ To refund the transaction before 90 days, the merchant can't process the online
 | customerId    | String(60) | M    | User ID: It is defined by the merchant, and it cannot be repeated under the same merchant number. |
 | token         | String(32) | M    | The token returned after the card is successfully bound |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | transTime     | String(14) | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | signType      | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
 | signature     | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ To refund the transaction before 90 days, the merchant can't process the online
 | orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number |
 | transID       | String(32) | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |
 | merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | RespCode      | String(2)  | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20) | M    | Response message |
 | customerId    | String(60) | O    | User ID: It is defined by the merchant, and it cannot be repeated under the same merchant number. |
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ To refund the transaction before 90 days, the merchant can't process the online
 | token         | String(32)   | M    | The token returned after the card is successfully bound |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | detailInfo    | String(400)  | M    | Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires base-64 encoding of this field before signing and sending. |
 | transTime     | String(14)   | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
 | merReserve    | String(1024) | O    | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ To refund the transaction before 90 days, the merchant can't process the online
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD" |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel code: "FC" |
+| paymentSchema | String(10)   | M    | Channel ID: "FC" |
 | RespCode      | String(2)    | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details. |
 | RespMsg       | String(20)   | M    | Response message |
 | transID       | String(32)   | M    | The unique transaction id generated by the gateway. |

+ 16 - 16

@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 # Channel list
-Serial number |Channel name  |Channel ID|Remark 
- -----|-----|----|------
- 1 | WeChat Pay |WX|WeChat Pay
- 2 | CCAvenue |CA| CCAvenue 
- 3 | Alipay |AP| Alipay
- 4 | UnionPay |UP| UnionPay
- 5 | Apple Pay |APP| Apple Pay
- 6 | Mi Pay |MIPAY| Mi Pay 
- 7 | Easebuzz |EB| Easebuzz 
- 8 | PassPay |PF| PassPay 
- 9 | International card |FC| International card 
- 10 | Alipay HK |APHK| Alipay HK 
- 11 | RevPay |RevPay| Malaysia Online Banking 
- 12 | AliPayLocal |AliPayLocal| Alipay Philippine wallet 
- 13 | PO |PO| PO
- 14 | India_Netbanking |India_Netbanking| India_Netbanking 
+Channel name  |Channel ID
+ -----|----
+WeChat Pay |WX
+Alipay |AP
+UnionPay |UP
+Apple Pay |APP
+CCAvenue |CA
+Mi Pay |MIPAY
+Easebuzz |EB
+PassPay |PF
+International card |FC
+Alipay HK |APHK
+RevPay |RevPay 
+AliPayLocal |AliPayLocal
+India_Netbanking |India_Netbanking