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Merge branch 'master' of https://git.allpayx.com/OpenAPI/common

benson hace 5 años
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 52 adiciones y 10 borrados
  1. 16 7
  2. 36 3

+ 16 - 7

@@ -738,9 +738,6 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 #### 5.3.3 二维码无跳转模式
@@ -760,15 +757,27 @@ GoAllPay 为客户提供统一的API接入,以帮助客户实现快速、安
 | code_url | String | O    | 二维码字符串。应答码为00返回该字段 |
+Credit card:6250947000000014
+mobile:+852 11112222
+cvn2:  123
+exp date: month 12 year 33
+SMS Code on PC: 111111
+SMS Code on Mobile: 123456
+Debit card:6223164991230014
+PIN: 111111
+cvn2:  123
+exp date: month 12 year 33
+SMS Code on PC:111111
+SMS Code on Mobile:123456
 Credit card:8171999927660000
 mobile:+852 11112222
-cvn2:  123
+cvn2:  123
 exp date: month 12 year 30
 SMS Code on PC: 111111
 SMS Code on Mobile: 123456

+ 36 - 3

@@ -597,18 +597,51 @@ Response message:
 | Parameter | Type   | Required | Description |
 | -------- | ------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-| RespCode | String | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.                                 |
-| RespMsg  | String | M    | Response message                                                  |
+| RespCode | String | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. |
+| RespMsg  | String | M    | Response message |
 | tn       | String | O    | Transaction serial number. Required parameter for Wechat app payment. When RespCode=00 returns it. |
 After getting tn, call the SDK to pay according to Section 7 of this document.
+#### 5.3.3 QR code no jump mode
+ This mode returns the URL value of WeChat payment collection for parameter return, ask the merchant to convert it into QR code, generate the front interface of payment, and prompt the user to scan the code to pay.
+ Purchase interface specific fields
+| Parameter      | Type   | Required | Description     |
+| --------- | ------ | ---- | -------- |
+| tradeFrom | String | M    | "QRCODE" |
+Response message:
+| Parameter     | Type   | Required | Description                            |
+| -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- |
+| RespCode | String | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.                       |
+| RespMsg  | String | M    | Response message        |
+| code_url | String | O    | Characters to generate QR code. When RespCode=00 returns it. |
 Test cards:
+Credit card:6250947000000014
+mobile:+852 11112222
+cvn2:  123
+exp date: month 12 year 33
+SMS Code on PC: 111111
+SMS Code on Mobile: 123456
+Debit card:6223164991230014
+PIN: 111111
+cvn2:  123
+exp date: month 12 year 33
+SMS Code on PC:111111
+SMS Code on Mobile:123456
 Credit card:8171999927660000
 mobile:+852 11112222
-cvn2:  123
+cvn2:  123
 exp date: month 12 year 30
 SMS Code on PC: 111111
 SMS Code on Mobile: 123456