فهرست منبع


tao.zhou 5 سال پیش
2فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه15 افزوده شده و 15 حذف شده
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  2. 9 9

+ 6 - 6

@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 >- 版本信息:中文 V5.0.0
 >- 更新时间:2018 年12 月
-## 1. 概述
+## 1.概述
-## 2. 验签说明 
+## 2.验签说明 
 1.对于发送到 AllPay 系统的 POST 请求报文,其中所有传入参数(除 signature 参数外)按照字段名的 ASCII 码从小到大排序后(字典序),使用 URL 键值对的格式(即 key1=value1&key2=value2...)拼接成字符串 String1。
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 3.示例签名串 IDCard=411422199808080415&acqID=99020344&charSet=UTF-8&customerAccount=ab123456&customs_code=3302462548&customs_name=AAAA&customs_place=CUSTOMSHEADOFFICE&merID=000000000000015&merReserve=dd&name=shi kai feng&orderCurrency=CNY&orderNum=kfvWipRWHEboJPh71m7lXkUILutt&origOrderNum=VzVJhPdX18tDu3vgGfNOIgh71LjY&paymentSchema=UP&productPrice=80&signType=MD5&transTime=20181229171552&transType=DECL&transportPrice=10&version=VER0000000052f2c77e3718c47cfb47a89a6fbc9d361
-## 3. 通用API说明 
+## 3.通用API说明 
 商户服务器和 AllPay 网关对接的海关申报相关接口,包括申报、申报查询、申报更新。
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
 | signType       | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                   |
 | signature      | String(32)  | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                         |
-## 4. 附件 1 海关列表
+## 4.附件 1 海关列表
 ### 4.1 支付宝海关列表
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
 以上海关列表为各渠道支持通过 API 报关的海关,实际支持情况以各渠道更新为准。
-## 5. 附件 2 应答码
+## 5.附件 2 应答码
 | 应答码 | 描述       |
 | ------ | ----------- |
@@ -247,6 +247,6 @@
-## 6. 技术支持
+## 6.技术支持

+ 9 - 9

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ AllPay provides customers with unified API access to help them implement fast, s
 ## 4.Common interface
 Common interface includes notification, asynchronous notification of transactions, transaction inquiry, refund, refund inquiry interface
-### 4.1.General API access address 
+### 4.1 General API access address 
 | Interface Name | Test URL                                 | Production URL                             |
 | ------- | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Common interface includes notification, asynchronous notification of transaction
 | Refund    | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/refund       | https://api.allpayx.com/api/refund       |
 | Refund inquiry | https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/refundquery  | https://api.allpayx.com/api/refundquery  |
-### 4.2.Purchase interface
+### 4.2 Purchase interface
 1.Interface specification
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ This interface provides the function of purchase transaction for access merchant
 This field is a list of common fields, sending, every channel needs some channel channel exclusive field, specific fields please go to the channel's exclusive canal to the fields that view. Consumer interface is divided into jump transformation and parameters return type, default to jump transformation, parameters return type will be explained in chapter 5 channels (exclusive) inside.
-| Parameter          | Type         | Required | Description                                                         |
+| Parameter          | Type         | Required | Description                                        |
 | ------------- | ------------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12)   | M    | “VER000000005”                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)    | M    | “UTF-8”                                            |
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ This field is a list of common fields, sending, every channel needs some channel
 | orderNum      | String(60)   | M    | Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number       |
 | orderAmount   | String(12)   | M    | Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00                    |
 | orderCurrency | String(3)    | M    | Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD"          |
-| frontURL      | String(400)  | M    | When the payment is complete, jump to the address                                       |
+| frontURL      | String(400)  | M    | When the payment is complete, jump to the address               |
 | backURL       | String(400)  | M    | Payment results are asynchronously notified to this address                                     |
 | merID         | String(15)   | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by AllPay                                       |
 | acqID         | String(11)   | M    | "99020344" "99020344"                                         |
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Parameters as follows:
 | signType      | String(10)   | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                                  |
 | signature     | String(32)   | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature                                        |
-### 4.3. Inqiury interface 
+### 4.3 Inqiury interface 
 1.Interface specification
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ This interface provides the function of refund transaction for access merchants.
 2.Request message format 
-| Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                                         |
+| Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                         |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8"                                            |
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ This interface provides the function of refund transaction for access merchants.
 | signType  | String(10) | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256"                                  |
 | signature | String(32) | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature                          |
-### 4.5.Refund Inqiury interface
+### 4.5 Refund Inqiury interface
 1.Interface specification
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ This interface provides the function of refund transaction for access merchants.
 2.Request message format 
-| Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                                         |
+| Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                         |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8"                                            |
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ This interface provides the function of refund transaction for access merchants.
 3.Response message format
-| Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                                         |
+| Parameter          | Type       | Required | Description                                         |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
 | version       | String(12) | M    | "VER000000005"                                     |
 | charSet       | String(6)  | M    | "UTF-8"                                           |