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@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 # GoAllPay报关接口规范说明文档V5.0.0
 >- 版本信息:中文 V5.0.0
 >- 更新时间:2020 年 6 月
-## 1.概述
+## 1. 概述
-## 2.验签说明 
+## 2. 签名规则
 1. 对于发送到 GoAllPay 系统的请求报文,其中所有传入参数(除 signature 参数外)按照字段名的 ASCII 码从小到大排序后(字典序),使用 URL 键值对的格式(即 key1=value1&key2=value2...)拼接成字符串 String1。
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ stringSignTemp: IDCard=411422199808080415&acqID=99020344&charSet=UTF-8&customerA
 signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
-## 3.通用API说明 
+## 3. API 说明 
-### 3.1 通用 API 接入地址 
+### 3.1 API 列表 
-| 交易名称 | 测试交易地址                               | 生产交易地址                               |
+| API名称 | 测试环境URL                               | 生产环境URL                               |
 | ------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
 | 申报 | | |
 | 申报查询 |   |       |
@@ -40,150 +40,150 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 ### 3.2 申报接口
+**1. 请求报文格式**
-| 参数            | 类型        | 属性 | 描述                                                         |
+| 参数            | 类型        | 必填 | 描述                                                         |
 | --------------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version         | String(12)  | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
-| charSet         | String(6)   | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType       | String(4)   | M    | 交易类型代码:“DECL”                                         |
-| customsDeclarationNo | String(60)  | O    | 报关订单号,商户自行定义。<br>注:支付宝和微信可选送该字段,银联不能送该字段。支付宝和微信如果没有送该字段,会把orderNum作为报关订单号。       |
-| orderNum        | String(60)  | M    | 交易ID:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下交易ID不能重复       |
-| origOrderNum    | String(60)  | M    | 支付成功的订单号                                   |
-| productPrice    | String(12)  | M    | 商品金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
-| transportPrice  | String(12)  | M    | 运费金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
-| tarPrice        | String(12)  | M    | 关税金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
-| orderCurrency   | String(3)   | M    | 报关币种:只支持人民币“CNY” |
-| customs_code    | String(64)  | M    | 商户海关备案编码                                             |
-| customs_name    | String(128) | M    | 商户海关备案名称                                             |
-| customs_place   | String(128) | M    | 海关,详见附件 1 海关列表                                       |
-| name            | String(64)  | M    | 消费者姓名                                                   |
-| IDCard          | String(32)  | M    | 消费者身份证号                                               |
-| customerAccount | String(64)  | M    | 消费者在商家的注册帐号                                       |
-| businessType    | String(2)   | O    | 保税进口:1<br>直邮进口:2<br>如果不填,默认为1保税进口,视申报海关需要填写 |
-| merID           | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID,由GoAllPay 分配                                       |
-| acqID           | String(11)  | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码。银联:UP,微信:WX,支付宝:AP                |
-| transTime       | String(14)  | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                               |
-| signType        | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
-| signature       | String(32)  | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                         |
-| 参数           | 类型        | 属性 | 描述                                          |
+| version         | String(12)  |     | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
+| charSet         | String(6)   |     | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
+| transType       | String(4)   |     | 交易类型代码:“DECL”                                         |
+| customsDeclarationNo | String(60)  |     | 报关订单号,商户自行定义。<br>注:支付宝和微信可选送该字段,银联不能送该字段。支付宝和微信如果没有送该字段,会把orderNum作为报关订单号。       |
+| orderNum        | String(60)  |     | 交易ID:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下交易ID不能重复       |
+| origOrderNum    | String(60)  |     | 支付成功的订单号                                   |
+| productPrice    | String(12)  |     | 商品金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
+| transportPrice  | String(12)  |     | 运费金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
+| tarPrice        | String(12)  |     | 关税金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
+| orderCurrency   | String(3)   |     | 报关币种:只支持人民币“CNY” |
+| customs_code    | String(64)  |     | 商户海关备案编码                                             |
+| customs_name    | String(128) |     | 商户海关备案名称                                             |
+| customs_place   | String(128) |     | 海关,详见附件 1 海关列表                                       |
+| name            | String(64)  |     | 消费者姓名                                                   |
+| IDCard          | String(32)  |     | 消费者身份证号                                               |
+| customerAccount | String(64)  |     | 消费者在商家的注册帐号                                       |
+| businessType    | String(2)   |     | 保税进口:1<br>直邮进口:2<br>如果不填,默认为1保税进口,视申报海关需要填写 |
+| merID           | String(15)  |     | 商户 ID,由GoAllPay 分配                                       |
+| acqID           | String(11)  |     | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  |     | 渠道代码。银联:UP,微信:WX,支付宝:AP                |
+| transTime       | String(14)  |     | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                               |
+| signType        | String(10)  |     | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
+| signature       | String(32)  |     | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                         |
+**2. 响应报文格式**
+| 参数           | 类型        | 必填 | 描述                                          |
 | -------------- | ----------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| version        | String(12)  | M    | “VER000000005”                      |
-| charSet        | String(6)   | M    | “UTF-8”                             |
-| transType      | String(4)   | M    | “DECL”                                        |
-| orderNum       | String(60)  | M    | 交易ID                                        |
-| RespCode       | String(2)   | M    | 应答码 00-成功。详见附件 2 应答码             |
-| RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | 应答消息                                      |
-| customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | 商户在海关报备的编码                          |
-| customs_name   | String(128) | M    | 商户在海关报备的名称                          |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | 海关                     |
-| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | GoAllPay系统的转换商户订单号                    |
-| schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | 支付渠道的交易ID。<br/>注:银联报关需要用该字段作为物流单以及销售单的报关单号 |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID |
-| acqID          | String(11)  | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
-| paymentSchema  | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码 |
-| transTime      | String(14)  | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"              |
-| signType       | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                   |
-| signature      | String(32)  | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                         |
-| originalRequest      | Object  | M    | 原始报关请求                         |
-| originalResponse      | Object  | M    | 原始报关响应                        |
+| version        | String(12)  |     | “VER000000005”                      |
+| charSet        | String(6)   |     | “UTF-8”                             |
+| transType      | String(4)   |     | “DECL”                                        |
+| orderNum       | String(60)  |     | 交易ID                                        |
+| RespCode       | String(2)   |     | 应答码 00-成功。详见附件 2 应答码             |
+| RespMsg        | String(128) |     | 应答消息                                      |
+| customs_code   | String(64)  |     | 商户在海关报备的编码                          |
+| customs_name   | String(128) |     | 商户在海关报备的名称                          |
+| customs_place  | String(128) |     | 海关                     |
+| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  |     | GoAllPay系统的转换商户订单号                    |
+| schemaTransId  | String(64)  |     | 支付渠道的交易ID。<br/>注:银联报关需要用该字段作为物流单以及销售单的报关单号 |
+| merID          | String(15)  |     | 商户 ID |
+| acqID          | String(11)  |     | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
+| paymentSchema  | String(10)  |     | 渠道代码 |
+| transTime      | String(14)  |     | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"              |
+| signType       | String(10)  |     | MD5或SHA256                                   |
+| signature      | String(32)  |     | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                         |
+| originalRequest      | Object  |     | 原始报关请求                         |
+| originalResponse      | Object  |     | 原始报关响应                        |
 ### 3.3 申报查询接口
+**1. 请求报文格式**
-| 参数          | 类型       | 属性 | 描述                                          |
+| 参数          | 类型       | 必填 | 描述                                          |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| version       | String(12) | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                      |
-| charSet       | String(6)  | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                             |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | 查询填写“INQY”                                |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | 交易ID                                        |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | 商户 ID,由GoAllPay 分配                        |
-| acqID         | String(11) | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
-| paymentSchema | String(10) | M    | 渠道代码。银联:UP,微信:WX,支付宝:AP |
-| transTime     | String(14) | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                |
-| signType      | String(10) | M    | MD5或SHA256                                   |
-| signature     | String(32) | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                        |
-| 参数           | 类型        | 属性 | 描述                                          |
+| version       | String(12) |     | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                      |
+| charSet       | String(6)  |     | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                             |
+| transType     | String(4)  |     | 查询填写“INQY”                                |
+| orderNum      | String(60) |     | 交易ID                                        |
+| merID         | String(15) |     | 商户 ID,由GoAllPay 分配                        |
+| acqID         | String(11) |     | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
+| paymentSchema | String(10) |     | 渠道代码。银联:UP,微信:WX,支付宝:AP |
+| transTime     | String(14) |     | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                |
+| signType      | String(10) |     | MD5或SHA256                                   |
+| signature     | String(32) |     | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                        |
+**2. 响应报文格式**
+| 参数           | 类型        | 必填 | 描述                                          |
 | ------------- | ----------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| version        | String(12)  | M    | “VER000000005”                      |
-| charSet        | String(6)   | M    | “UTF-8”                             |
-| transType      | String(4)   | M    | “DECL”                                        |
-| orderNum       | String(60)  | M    | 交易ID                                        |
-| RespCode       | String(2)   | M    | 应答码 00-成功。详见附件 2 应答码                                |
-| RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | 应答消息                                      |
-| customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | 商户在海关报备的编码                          |
-| customs_name   | String(128) | M    | 商户在海关报备的名称                          |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | 海关 |
-| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | GoAllPay系统的转换商户订单号                    |
-| schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | 支付渠道的交易ID。 |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID |
-| acqID          | String(11)  | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
-| paymentSchema  | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码 |
-| transTime      | String(14)  | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"              |
-| signType       | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                  |
-| signature      | String(32)  | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                     |
+| version        | String(12)  |     | “VER000000005”                      |
+| charSet        | String(6)   |     | “UTF-8”                             |
+| transType      | String(4)   |     | “DECL”                                        |
+| orderNum       | String(60)  |     | 交易ID                                        |
+| RespCode       | String(2)   |     | 应答码 00-成功。详见附件 2 应答码                                |
+| RespMsg        | String(128) |     | 应答消息                                      |
+| customs_code   | String(64)  |     | 商户在海关报备的编码                          |
+| customs_name   | String(128) |     | 商户在海关报备的名称                          |
+| customs_place  | String(128) |     | 海关 |
+| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  |     | GoAllPay系统的转换商户订单号                    |
+| schemaTransId  | String(64)  |     | 支付渠道的交易ID。 |
+| merID          | String(15)  |     | 商户 ID |
+| acqID          | String(11)  |     | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
+| paymentSchema  | String(10)  |     | 渠道代码 |
+| transTime      | String(14)  |     | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"              |
+| signType       | String(10)  |     | MD5或SHA256                                  |
+| signature      | String(32)  |     | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                     |
 ### 3.4 申报更新接口
+**1. 请求报文格式**
-| 参数            | 类型        | 属性 | 描述                                                         |
+| 参数            | 类型        | 必填 | 描述                                                         |
 | --------------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| version         | String(12)  | M    | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
-| charSet         | String(6)   | M    | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
-| transType       | String(4)   | M    | 交易类型代码:“DECL”                                         |
-| customsDeclarationNo | String(60)  | O    | 报关订单号,商户自行定义。<br>注:支付宝和微信可选送该字段,银联不能送该字段。支付宝和微信如果没有送该字段,会把orderNum作为报关订单号。       |
-| orderNum        | String(60)  | M    | 申报接口中的交易ID   |
-| origOrderNum    | String(60)  | M    | 支付成功的订单号 |
-| productPrice    | String(12)  | M    | 商品金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
-| transportPrice  | String(12)  | M    | 运费金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
-| tarPrice        | String(12)  | M    | 关税金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
-| orderCurrency   | String(3)   | M    | 报关币种:只支持人民币“CNY” |
-| customs_code    | String(64)  | M    | 商户海关备案编码                                             |
-| customs_name    | String(128) | M    | 商户海关备案名称                                             |
-| customs_place   | String(128) | M    | 海关,详见附件 1 海关列表                                    |
-| name            | String(64)  | M    | 消费者姓名                                                   |
-| IDCard          | String(32)  | M    | 消费者身份证号                                               |
-| customerAccount | String(64)  | M    | 消费者在商家的注册帐号                                       |
-| businessType    | String(2)   | O    | 保税进口:1,直邮进口:2。如果不填,默认为1保税进口,视申报海关需要填写 |
-| merID           | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID,由GoAllPay 分配                                       |
-| acqID           | String(11)  | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码。银联:UP,微信:WX,支付宝:AP |
-| transTime       | String(14)  | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                              |
-| signType        | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
-| signature       | String(32)  | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
-| 参数           | 类型        | 属性 | 描述                                          |
+| version         | String(12)  |     | 统一填写为“VER000000005”                                     |
+| charSet         | String(6)   |     | 统一填写为“UTF-8”                                            |
+| transType       | String(4)   |     | 交易类型代码:“DECL”                                         |
+| customsDeclarationNo | String(60)  |     | 报关订单号,商户自行定义。<br>注:支付宝和微信可选送该字段,银联不能送该字段。支付宝和微信如果没有送该字段,会把orderNum作为报关订单号。       |
+| orderNum        | String(60)  |     | 申报接口中的交易ID   |
+| origOrderNum    | String(60)  |     | 支付成功的订单号 |
+| productPrice    | String(12)  |     | 商品金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
+| transportPrice  | String(12)  |     | 运费金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
+| tarPrice        | String(12)  |     | 关税金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00                    |
+| orderCurrency   | String(3)   |     | 报关币种:只支持人民币“CNY” |
+| customs_code    | String(64)  |     | 商户海关备案编码                                             |
+| customs_name    | String(128) |     | 商户海关备案名称                                             |
+| customs_place   | String(128) |     | 海关,详见附件 1 海关列表                                    |
+| name            | String(64)  |     | 消费者姓名                                                   |
+| IDCard          | String(32)  |     | 消费者身份证号                                               |
+| customerAccount | String(64)  |     | 消费者在商家的注册帐号                                       |
+| businessType    | String(2)   |     | 保税进口:1,直邮进口:2。如果不填,默认为1保税进口,视申报海关需要填写 |
+| merID           | String(15)  |     | 商户 ID,由GoAllPay 分配                                       |
+| acqID           | String(11)  |     | 收单行 ID "99020344"                                         |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  |     | 渠道代码。银联:UP,微信:WX,支付宝:AP |
+| transTime       | String(14)  |     | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"                              |
+| signType        | String(10)  |     | MD5或SHA256                                                  |
+| signature       | String(32)  |     | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                                        |
+**2. 响应报文格式**
+| 参数           | 类型        | 必填 | 描述                                          |
 | -------------- | ----------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| version        | String(12)  | M    | “VER000000005”                      |
-| charSet        | String(6)   | M    | “UTF-8”                             |
-| transType      | String(4)   | M    | “DECL”                                        |
-| orderNum       | String(60)  | M    | 交易ID                                        |
-| RespCode       | String(2)   | M    | 应答码 00-成功。详见附件 2 应答码             |
-| RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | 应答消息                                      |
-| customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | 商户在海关报备的编码                          |
-| customs_name   | String(128) | M    | 商户在海关报备的名称                          |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | 海关 |
-| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | GoAllPay系统的转换商户订单号                    |
-| schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | 支付渠道的交易ID                              |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | 商户 ID |
-| acqID          | String(11)  | M    | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
-| paymentSchema  | String(10)  | M    | 渠道代码 |
-| transTime      | String(14)  | M    | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"              |
-| signType       | String(10)  | M    | MD5或SHA256                                   |
-| signature      | String(32)  | M    | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                         |
-## 4.附件 1 海关列表
+| version        | String(12)  |     | “VER000000005”                      |
+| charSet        | String(6)   |     | “UTF-8”                             |
+| transType      | String(4)   |     | “DECL”                                        |
+| orderNum       | String(60)  |     | 交易ID                                        |
+| RespCode       | String(2)   |     | 应答码 00-成功。详见附件 2 应答码             |
+| RespMsg        | String(128) |     | 应答消息                                      |
+| customs_code   | String(64)  |     | 商户在海关报备的编码                          |
+| customs_name   | String(128) |     | 商户在海关报备的名称                          |
+| customs_place  | String(128) |     | 海关 |
+| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  |     | GoAllPay系统的转换商户订单号                    |
+| schemaTransId  | String(64)  |     | 支付渠道的交易ID                              |
+| merID          | String(15)  |     | 商户 ID |
+| acqID          | String(11)  |     | 收单行 ID "99020344"                          |
+| paymentSchema  | String(10)  |     | 渠道代码 |
+| transTime      | String(14)  |     | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"              |
+| signType       | String(10)  |     | MD5或SHA256                                   |
+| signature      | String(32)  |     | 采用 MD5或SHA256 签名                         |
+## 4. 附件 1 海关列表
 ### 4.1 支付宝海关列表
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
 以上海关列表为各渠道支持通过 API 报关的海关,实际支持情况以各渠道更新为准。
-## 5.附件 2 应答码
+## 5. 附件 2 应答码
 | 应答码 | 描述       |
 | ------ | ----------- |
@@ -260,6 +260,6 @@ signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
-## 6.技术支持
+## 6. 技术支持

+ 128 - 128

@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
 * Version: English V5.0.0
 * Update Time: 2020/07
-## 1.Overview
+## 1. Overview
 This document specifies the message interface used for online transactions of customs declaration products between merchants and GoAllPay.
-## 2.Description of verifying the signature 
+## 2. Signature rules
 1. For the request message sent to the GoAllPay system, in which all incoming parameters (except signature parameters) according to the field name of ASCII smallest sequence (dictionary), using the format of the URL key/value pair (key1 = value1 & key2 = value2... ) spliced into a string String1.
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ stringSignTemp: IDCard=411422199808080415&acqID=99020344&charSet=UTF-8&customerA
 signature: 51aebe009a06d79c23524ea18fc2f413
-## 3.API description 
+## 3. API description 
 Supported request methods including POST and GET, supported parameter formats including form and JSON.
-### 3.1 General API access URL 
+### 3.1 API list 
-| Interface Name | Test URL | Production URL |
+| API Name | Test URL | Production URL |
 | ------- | -------------- | ---------- |
 | Declaration | | |
 | Declaration Query |   | |
@@ -40,150 +40,150 @@ Supported request methods including POST and GET, supported parameter formats in
 ### 3.2 Declaration Interface
-**1.Request parameters**
+**1. Request parameters**
 | parameter | Type | Required | Description |
 | --------------- | ----------- | ---- | --------------------- |
-| version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
-| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType       | String(4)   | M    | Transaction type: "DECL"  |
-| customsDeclarationNo | String(60)  | O    | The customs declaration order number is defined by the merchant. <br>Note: Alipay and WeChat can choose to send this field, but UnionPay cannot send this field. If Alipay and WeChat do not send this field, they will use orderNum as the customs declaration order number. |
-| orderNum        | String(60)  | M    | Transaction ID: defined by the merchant, it is necessary to ensure that the transaction ID under the same merchant number cannot be repeated. |
-| origOrderNum    | String(60)  | M    | Order number for successful payment |
-| productPrice    | String(12)  | M    | Commodity amount: such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
-| transportPrice  | String(12)  | M    | Shipping amount:such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
-| tarPrice        | String(12)  | M    | Tariff amount:such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
-| orderCurrency   | String(3)   | M    | Currency of the order: only "CNY" |
-| customs_code    | String(64)  | M    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
-| customs_name    | String(128) | M    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
-| customs_place   | String(128) | M    | Customs code, see Annex 1 Customs List for details |
-| name            | String(64)  | M    | Consumer name |
-| IDCard          | String(32)  | M    | Consumer ID number |
-| customerAccount | String(64)  | M    | Consumer's registered account at the merchant |
-| businessType    | String(2)   | O    | Bonded import: 1<br>Direct import: 2<br>If you don’t fill in, the default is 1 Bonded Import. |
-| merID           | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
-| acqID           | String(11)  | M    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID.<br>UnionPay:UP<br>WeChat Pay:WX<br>Alipay:AP |
-| transTime       | String(14)  | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| signType        | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
-| signature       | String(32)  | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
-**2.Response parameters**
+| version       | String(12)   | Yes    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | Yes    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType       | String(4)   | Yes    | Transaction type: "DECL"  |
+| customsDeclarationNo | String(60)  | No    | The customs declaration order number is defined by the merchant. <br>Note: Alipay and WeChat can choose to send this field, but UnionPay cannot send this field. If Alipay and WeChat do not send this field, they will use orderNum as the customs declaration order number. |
+| orderNum        | String(60)  | Yes    | Transaction ID: defined by the merchant, it is necessary to ensure that the transaction ID under the same merchant number cannot be repeated. |
+| origOrderNum    | String(60)  | Yes    | Order number for successful payment |
+| productPrice    | String(12)  | Yes    | Commodity amount: such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
+| transportPrice  | String(12)  | Yes    | Shipping amount:such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
+| tarPrice        | String(12)  | Yes    | Tariff amount:such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
+| orderCurrency   | String(3)   | Yes    | Currency of the order: only "CNY" |
+| customs_code    | String(64)  | Yes    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
+| customs_name    | String(128) | Yes    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
+| customs_place   | String(128) | Yes    | Customs code, see Annex 1 Customs List for details |
+| name            | String(64)  | Yes    | Consumer name |
+| IDCard          | String(32)  | Yes    | Consumer ID number |
+| customerAccount | String(64)  | Yes    | Consumer's registered account at the merchant |
+| businessType    | String(2)   | No    | Bonded import: 1<br>Direct import: 2<br>If you don’t fill in, the default is 1 Bonded Import. |
+| merID           | String(15)  | Yes    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| acqID           | String(11)  | Yes    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | Yes    | Channel ID.<br>UnionPay:UP<br>WeChat Pay:WX<br>Alipay:AP |
+| transTime       | String(14)  | Yes    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType        | String(10)  | Yes    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature       | String(32)  | Yes    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+**2. Response parameters**
 | Parameter          | Type         | Required | Description          |
 | -------------- | ----------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
-| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType      | String(4)   | M    | "DECL" |
-| orderNum       | String(60)  | M    | Transaction ID  |
-| RespCode       | String(2)   | M    | Response Code. "00" stands for success. See Annex 2 for details.  |
-| RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | Response Message. |
-| customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
-| customs_name   | String(128) | M    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | Customs code. |
-| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | Conversion merchant order number of GoAllPay system. |
-| schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | The transaction ID of the payment channel.<br/>Note: UnionPay customs declaration needs to use this field as the customs declaration number of the logistics and sales orders. |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID |
-| acqID          | String(11)  | M    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID. |
-| transTime       | String(14)  | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| signType        | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
-| signature       | String(32)  | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
-| originalRequest      | Object  | M    | Original customs declaration request |
-| originalResponse      | Object  | M    | Original customs declaration response |
+| version       | String(12)   | Yes    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | Yes    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType      | String(4)   | Yes    | "DECL" |
+| orderNum       | String(60)  | Yes    | Transaction ID  |
+| RespCode       | String(2)   | Yes    | Response Code. "00" stands for success. See Annex 2 for details.  |
+| RespMsg        | String(128) | Yes    | Response Message. |
+| customs_code   | String(64)  | Yes    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
+| customs_name   | String(128) | Yes    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
+| customs_place  | String(128) | Yes    | Customs code. |
+| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | Yes    | Conversion merchant order number of GoAllPay system. |
+| schemaTransId  | String(64)  | Yes    | The transaction ID of the payment channel.<br/>Note: UnionPay customs declaration needs to use this field as the customs declaration number of the logistics and sales orders. |
+| merID          | String(15)  | Yes    | Merchant ID |
+| acqID          | String(11)  | Yes    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | Yes    | Channel ID. |
+| transTime       | String(14)  | Yes    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType        | String(10)  | Yes    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature       | String(32)  | Yes    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+| originalRequest      | Object  | Yes    | Original customs declaration request |
+| originalResponse      | Object  | Yes    | Original customs declaration response |
 ### 3.3 Declaration Query Interface
-**1.Request parameters**
+**1. Request parameters**
 | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
 | ------------- | ---------- | ---- | --------------------------------------------- |
-| version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
-| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType     | String(4)  | M    | Transaction type: "INQY"  |
-| orderNum      | String(60) | M    | Transaction ID |
-| merID         | String(15) | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay. |
-| acqID         | String(11) | M    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID.<br>UnionPay:UP<br>WeChat Pay:WX<br>Alipay:AP |
-| transTime       | String(14)  | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| signType        | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
-| signature       | String(32)  | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
-**2.Response parameters**
+| version       | String(12)   | Yes    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | Yes    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType     | String(4)  | Yes    | Transaction type: "INQY"  |
+| orderNum      | String(60) | Yes    | Transaction ID |
+| merID         | String(15) | Yes    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay. |
+| acqID         | String(11) | Yes    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | Yes    | Channel ID.<br>UnionPay:UP<br>WeChat Pay:WX<br>Alipay:AP |
+| transTime       | String(14)  | Yes    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType        | String(10)  | Yes    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature       | String(32)  | Yes    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+**2. Response parameters**
 | Parameter  | Type | Required | Description |
 | ------------- | ----------- | ---- | --------------------- |
-| version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
-| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType      | String(4)   | M    | "DECL"|
-| orderNum       | String(60)  | M    | Transaction ID |
-| RespCode       | String(2)   | M    | Response Code. "00" stands for success. See Annex 2 for details. |
-| RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | Response Message. |
-| customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
-| customs_name   | String(128) | M    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | Customs code. |
-| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | Conversion merchant order number of GoAllPay system. |
-| schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | The transaction ID of the payment channel. |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID. |
-| acqID          | String(11)  | M    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID. |
-| transTime       | String(14)  | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| signType        | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
-| signature       | String(32)  | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+| version       | String(12)   | Yes    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | Yes    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType      | String(4)   | Yes    | "DECL"|
+| orderNum       | String(60)  | Yes    | Transaction ID |
+| RespCode       | String(2)   | Yes    | Response Code. "00" stands for success. See Annex 2 for details. |
+| RespMsg        | String(128) | Yes    | Response Message. |
+| customs_code   | String(64)  | Yes    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
+| customs_name   | String(128) | Yes    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
+| customs_place  | String(128) | Yes    | Customs code. |
+| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | Yes    | Conversion merchant order number of GoAllPay system. |
+| schemaTransId  | String(64)  | Yes    | The transaction ID of the payment channel. |
+| merID          | String(15)  | Yes    | Merchant ID. |
+| acqID          | String(11)  | Yes    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | Yes    | Channel ID. |
+| transTime       | String(14)  | Yes    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType        | String(10)  | Yes    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature       | String(32)  | Yes    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
 ### 3.4 Declaration Update Interface
-**1.Request parameters**
+**1. Request parameters**
 | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
 | ----------- | ----------- | ---- | ----------- |
-| version | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
-| charSet | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType | String(4)   | M    | Transaction type: "DECL"  |
-| customsDeclarationNo | String(60)  | O    | The customs declaration order number is defined by the merchant. <br>Note: Alipay and WeChat can choose to send this field, but UnionPay cannot send this field. If Alipay and WeChat do not send this field, they will use orderNum as the customs declaration order number. |
-| orderNum        | String(60)  | M    | Transaction ID in the declaration interface. |
-| origOrderNum    | String(60)  | M    | Order number for successful payment |
-| productPrice    | String(12)  | M    | Commodity amount: such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
-| transportPrice  | String(12)  | M    | Shipping amount:such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
-| tarPrice        | String(12)  | M    | Tariff amount:such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
-| orderCurrency   | String(3)   | M    | Currency of the order: only "CNY" |
-| customs_code    | String(64)  | M    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
-| customs_name    | String(128) | M    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
-| customs_place   | String(128) | M    | Customs code, see Annex 1 Customs List for details |
-| name            | String(64)  | M    | Consumer name |
-| IDCard          | String(32)  | M    | Consumer ID number |
-| customerAccount | String(64)  | M    | Consumer's registered account at the merchant |
-| businessType    | String(2)   | O    | Bonded import: 1<br>Direct import: 2<br>If you don’t fill in, the default is 1 Bonded Import. |
-| merID           | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
-| acqID           | String(11)  | M    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID.<br>UnionPay:UP<br>WeChat Pay:WX<br>Alipay:AP |
-| transTime       | String(14)  | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| signType        | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
-| signature       | String(32)  | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
-**2.Response parameters**
+| version | String(12)   | Yes    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet | String(6)    | Yes    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType | String(4)   | Yes    | Transaction type: "DECL"  |
+| customsDeclarationNo | String(60)  | No    | The customs declaration order number is defined by the merchant. <br>Note: Alipay and WeChat can choose to send this field, but UnionPay cannot send this field. If Alipay and WeChat do not send this field, they will use orderNum as the customs declaration order number. |
+| orderNum        | String(60)  | Yes    | Transaction ID in the declaration interface. |
+| origOrderNum    | String(60)  | Yes    | Order number for successful payment |
+| productPrice    | String(12)  | Yes    | Commodity amount: such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
+| transportPrice  | String(12)  | Yes    | Shipping amount:such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
+| tarPrice        | String(12)  | Yes    | Tariff amount:such as 100CNY, expressed as 100 or 100.00 |
+| orderCurrency   | String(3)   | Yes    | Currency of the order: only "CNY" |
+| customs_code    | String(64)  | Yes    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
+| customs_name    | String(128) | Yes    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
+| customs_place   | String(128) | Yes    | Customs code, see Annex 1 Customs List for details |
+| name            | String(64)  | Yes    | Consumer name |
+| IDCard          | String(32)  | Yes    | Consumer ID number |
+| customerAccount | String(64)  | Yes    | Consumer's registered account at the merchant |
+| businessType    | String(2)   | No    | Bonded import: 1<br>Direct import: 2<br>If you don’t fill in, the default is 1 Bonded Import. |
+| merID           | String(15)  | Yes    | Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay |
+| acqID           | String(11)  | Yes    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | Yes    | Channel ID.<br>UnionPay:UP<br>WeChat Pay:WX<br>Alipay:AP |
+| transTime       | String(14)  | Yes    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType        | String(10)  | Yes    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature       | String(32)  | Yes    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+**2. Response parameters**
 | Parameter          | Type         | Required | Description          |
 | -------------- | ----------- | ---- | -------------------------- |
-| version       | String(12)   | M    | "VER000000005" |
-| charSet       | String(6)    | M    | "UTF-8" |
-| transType      | String(4)   | M    | "DECL" |
-| orderNum       | String(60)  | M    | Transaction ID |
-| RespCode       | String(2)   | M    | Response Code. "00" stands for success. See Annex 2 for details. |
-| RespMsg        | String(128) | M    | Response Message. |
-| customs_code   | String(64)  | M    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
-| customs_name   | String(128) | M    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
-| customs_place  | String(128) | M    | Customs code. |
-| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | M    | Conversion merchant order number of GoAllPay system. |
-| schemaTransId  | String(64)  | M    | The transaction ID of the payment channel. |
-| merID          | String(15)  | M    | Merchant ID. |
-| acqID          | String(11)  | M    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
-| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | M    | Channel ID. |
-| transTime       | String(14)  | M    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
-| signType        | String(10)  | M    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
-| signature       | String(32)  | M    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
-## 4.Annex 1 Customs List
+| version       | String(12)   | Yes    | "VER000000005" |
+| charSet       | String(6)    | Yes    | "UTF-8" |
+| transType      | String(4)   | Yes    | "DECL" |
+| orderNum       | String(60)  | Yes    | Transaction ID |
+| RespCode       | String(2)   | Yes    | Response Code. "00" stands for success. See Annex 2 for details. |
+| RespMsg        | String(128) | Yes    | Response Message. |
+| customs_code   | String(64)  | Yes    | Merchant Customs Record Code |
+| customs_name   | String(128) | Yes    | Merchant Customs Record Name |
+| customs_place  | String(128) | Yes    | Customs code. |
+| allpayOrderNum | String(64)  | Yes    | Conversion merchant order number of GoAllPay system. |
+| schemaTransId  | String(64)  | Yes    | The transaction ID of the payment channel. |
+| merID          | String(15)  | Yes    | Merchant ID. |
+| acqID          | String(11)  | Yes    | Acquiring Bank ID: "99020344" |
+| paymentSchema   | String(10)  | Yes    | Channel ID. |
+| transTime       | String(14)  | Yes    | Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| signType        | String(10)  | Yes    | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
+| signature       | String(32)  | Yes    | MD5 or SHA256 signature |
+## 4. Annex 1 Customs List
 ### 4.1 Alipay customs list
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ Supported request methods including POST and GET, supported parameter formats in
 The above list of customs is the customs that supports customs declaration through API for each payment channel. The actual support situation is subject to the update of each payment channel.
-## 5.Annex 2 Response code
+## 5. Annex 2 Response code
 | RespCode | Description      |
 | ------ | --------- |
@@ -260,6 +260,6 @@ The above list of customs is the customs that supports customs declaration throu
 ***Note: If the response code is 04 when using Unionpay custom declaration, it means the declaration is still processing now. Merchant needs to to call the declaration query API to get the final status later.**
-## 6.Technical support
+## 6. Technical support
 If you have problems with debugging, please contact us:

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 473 - 442

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 449 - 421

+ 2 - 2

@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ CVV2: 123
 ### 1 AliPayLocal渠道
-| 参数      | 类型   | 属性 | 描述    |
+| 参数      | 类型   | 必填 | 描述    |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ------- |
-| sub_brand_code | String | M|"gcash", "dana", "kakaopay", "alipay_hk", "truemoney", "tng" 选其中一个上送 |
+| sub_brand_code | String | |"gcash", "dana", "kakaopay", "alipay_hk", "truemoney", "tng" 选其中一个上送 |

+ 5 - 5

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ There are two modes of card binding
 | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5" |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
 (2) The merchant collects the card number information by himself and sends it to the GoAllPay gateway through the API.
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ There are two modes of card binding
 | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
 | ---------- | ------ | ---- | ----------------- |
-| tradeFrom  | String | M    | "API"             |
-| cardno     | String | M    | Card number              |
-| cvv2       | String | M    | cvv2              |
-| ExpiryDate | String | M    | Validity period: Format MM / YY |
+| tradeFrom  | String | Yes    | "API"             |
+| cardno     | String | Yes    | Card number              |
+| cvv2       | String | Yes    | cvv2              |
+| ExpiryDate | String | Yes    | Validity period: Format MM / YY |
 Test card:

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 469 - 308

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 431 - 236

+ 2 - 1

@@ -12,4 +12,5 @@ PO |PO
 India_Netbanking |India_Netbanking
-Diners Card / Discover|DNC
+Diners Card / Discover|DNC

+ 27 - 27

@@ -2,29 +2,29 @@
 ### 1 UP渠道
-#### 1.1 H5支付,自适应PC和移动端
+#### 1.1 H5支付
-| 参数      | 类型   | 属性 | 描述 |
+| 参数      | 类型   | 必填 | 描述 |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5" |
+| tradeFrom | String |     | "H5" |
 #### 1.2 APP支付
-| 参数      | 类型   | 属性 | 描述  |
+| 参数      | 类型   | 必填 | 描述  |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ----- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "APP" |
+| tradeFrom | String |     | "APP" |
-| 参数     | 类型   | 属性 | 描述                                                      |
+| 参数     | 类型   | 必填 | 描述                                                      |
 | -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
-| RespCode | String | M    | 应答码 00-成功                                           |
-| RespMsg  | String | M    | 应答消息                                                 |
-| tn       | String | O    | 交易流水号,RespCode为“00”时返回,作为调起 sdk 支付的参数 |
+| RespCode | String |     | 应答码 00-成功                                           |
+| RespMsg  | String |     | 应答消息                                                 |
+| tn       | String |     | 交易流水号,RespCode为“00”时返回,作为调起 sdk 支付的参数 |
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ SMS Code on Mobile: 123456
-| 参数      | 类型   | 属性 | 描述 |
+| 参数      | 类型   | 必填 | 描述 |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5" |
+| tradeFrom | String |     | "H5" |
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ CVV2: 123
-| 参数      | 类型   | 属性 | 描述     |
+| 参数      | 类型   | 必填 | 描述     |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | -------- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5"     |
-| bankCode  | String | M    | 银行代码。测试环境填写TEST0021,生产环境[点击此处查看详情]( |
+| tradeFrom | String |     | "H5"     |
+| bankCode  | String |     | 银行代码。测试环境填写TEST0021,生产环境[点击此处查看详情]( |
@@ -103,17 +103,17 @@ Password : 1234
-| 参数      | 类型   | 属性 | 描述 |
+| 参数      | 类型   | 必填 | 描述 |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5" |
-| bank_code | String | M    |[见列表]( |
-| email | String | M    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
-| phone | String | M    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
-| firstname | String | M    | Customer first name |
-| lastname | String | M    | Customer last name |
-| address | String | M    | address |
-| zip_code | String | M    | ZIP code |
-| city | String | M    | City |
-| country | String | M    |Country code in ISO 3166|
-| state | String | M    | State code in ISO 3166-2, required for USA and Canada |
-| document_id | String | M    | Document ID of the consumer.|
+| tradeFrom | String |     | "H5" |
+| bank_code | String |     |[见列表]( |
+| email | String |     | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String |     | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| firstname | String |     | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String |     | Customer last name |
+| address | String |     | address |
+| zip_code | String |     | ZIP code |
+| city | String |     | City |
+| country | String |     |Country code in ISO 3166|
+| state | String |     | State code in ISO 3166-2, required for USA and Canada |
+| document_id | String |     | Document ID of the consumer.|

+ 21 - 21

@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 ### 1 UP
-#### 1.1 H5 mode, adaptive PC and mobile
+#### 1.1 H5 mode
  Pre-authorization interface specific fields
 | Parameter | Type   | Required | Description |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5" |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
 #### 1.2 APP mode
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@
 | Parameter | Type   | Required | Description |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ----- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "APP" |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "APP" |
 Response message:
 | Parameter | Type   | Required | Description |
 | -------- | ------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
-| RespCode | String | M    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. |
-| RespMsg  | String | M    | Response message |
-| tn       | String | O    | Transaction serial number. Required parameter for Wechat app payment. When RespCode=00 returns it. |
+| RespCode | String | Yes    | 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. |
+| RespMsg  | String | Yes    | Response message |
+| tn       | String | No    | Transaction serial number. Required parameter for Wechat app payment. When RespCode=00 returns it. |
 After getting tn, call the SDK to pay according to APP document.
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ SMS Code on Mobile: 123456
 | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5" |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
 Test card:
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ CVV2: 123
 | Parameter      | Type   | Required | Description     |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | -------- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5"     |
-| bankCode  | String | M    | Bank Code. Test environment filled in TEST0021, production environment [click here for details]( |
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5"     |
+| bankCode  | String | Yes    | Bank Code. Test environment filled in TEST0021, production environment [click here for details]( |
 Test card:
@@ -103,15 +103,15 @@ You should add the following parameters:
 | Parameter      | Type   | Required | Description     |
 | --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
-| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5" |
-| bank_code | String | M    | [bank list]( |
-| email | String | M    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
-| phone | String | M    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
-| firstname | String | M    | Customer first name |
-| lastname | String | M    | Customer last name |
-| address | String | M    | address |
-| zip_code | String | M    | ZIP code |
-| city | String | M    | City |
-| country | String | M    |Country code in ISO 3166|
-| state | String | M    | State code in ISO 3166-2, required for USA and Canada |
-| document_id | String | M    | Document ID of the consumer.|
+| tradeFrom | String | Yes    | "H5" |
+| bank_code | String | Yes    | [bank list]( |
+| email | String | Yes    | Must contain valid e-mail of customer|
+| phone | String | Yes    | Must contain valid phone number of customer |
+| firstname | String | Yes    | Customer first name |
+| lastname | String | Yes    | Customer last name |
+| address | String | Yes    | address |
+| zip_code | String | Yes    | ZIP code |
+| city | String | Yes    | City |
+| country | String | Yes    |Country code in ISO 3166|
+| state | String | Yes    | State code in ISO 3166-2, required for USA and Canada |
+| document_id | String | Yes    | Document ID of the consumer.|

+ 2 - 2

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ mode —— AllPay 后台环境标识,true表示从AllPay的正式环境发起
 ### 3.2 添加 SDK 包
-1.在Application Module的build.gradle文件的dependencies下添加 api("io.github.goallpay:allpaysdk:5.2.3")
+1.在Application Module的build.gradle文件的dependencies下添加 api("io.github.goallpay:allpaysdk:5.2.5")
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ repositories {
  * tn——交易流水号,作为调起 sdk 支付的参数,商户从 AllPay 后台获取
  * false代表测试环境,true代表生产环境
-AllPayEngine.Pay(ShopCartActivity.this, tn, false);, tn, false);
 ### 3.4 同步结果通知