@@ -427,6 +427,24 @@ SMS Code on Mobile: 123456
+### 5.7 MIPAY渠道
+#### 5.7.1 H5支付
+ 消费接口专属字段
+| 参数 | 类型 | 属性 | 描述 |
+| ---------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| tradeFrom | String | M | "H5" |
+| firstname | String | M | This is name of the customer who is doing the transaction. |
+| email | String | M | this is email id of the customer who is doing transaction |
+| phone | String | M | Phone number of the customer |
+| customerId | String | O | Customer ID, when client register on merchant, merchant distribute it to client. |
## 6.应答码
| 应答码 | 描 述 |