@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ This interface provides the function of purchase transaction for access merchant
| acqID | String(11) | M | "99020344" |
| paymentSchema | String(10) | M | Channel ID:[Click Here](paymentSchema.md) |
| goodsInfo | String(60) | M | Commodity information |
-| detailInfo | String(400) | M | Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires Base64 encoding of this field before signing and sending. |
-| transTime | String(14) | M | Transaction time, format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
+| detailInfo | String(400) | M | Product details.<br>Format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], and required Base64 encoding before incoming. |
+| transTime | String(14) | M | Transaction time. Format: "yyyyMMddHHmmss" |
| merReserve | String(1024) | O | Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas. |
| signType | String(10) | M | "MD5" or "SHA256" |
| signature | String(32) | M | MD5 or SHA256 signature |