>V5.3 # Online Payment Transactions Examples ## Create Order ### H5 Payment >Support H5 payment of UnionPay and Alipay. **REQUEST** ``` bash curl --request POST \ --url https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/v5/createorder \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "orderNum":"20230210095557", "orderCurrency":"CNY", "frontUrl":"https://test.allpayx.com/demo/result", "backUrl":"https://test.allpayx.com/demo/result", "merId":"600039259442068", "transTime":"20230210095557", "signType":"SHA256", "osType":"WINDOWS", "osVersion":"", "orderAmount":"1", "goodsInfo":"apple", "detailInfo":"W3siZ29vZHNfbmFtZSI6ICJhcHBsZSIsICJxdWFudGl0eSI6ICIyIn1d", "merReserve":"", "userIp":"", "userId":"user01", "logisticsStreet":"zhangjiang", "paymentBrand":"unionpay", "tradeFrom":"H5", "signature":"7878cd46d5cf52f2900bc7f209b167cd45a03460ff8ad0fcedbf5feb562d644d" } ' ``` paymentBrand:unionpay,alipay_cn,wechat_pay,... **RESPONSE** ```json { "respCode":"00", "respMsg":"success", "merId":"600039259442068", "orderNum":"20230210095557", "transId":"3bIMFhBBNgil5vpF", "parameter":{ "payUrl":"https://testapi.allpayx.com/api/receiveCode?allPayTn=2fb4d428f96d332df2220e3f7856e292" } } ``` ### App Payment >Support xx payment of UnionPay and Alipay. **REQUEST** ``` json ``` **RESPONSE** ```json ``` ### Web Payment >Support xx payment of UnionPay and Alipay. **REQUEST** ``` json ``` **RESPONSE** ```json ``` ### JSAPI Payment >Support xx payment of UnionPay and Alipay. **REQUEST** ``` json ``` **RESPONSE** ```json ``` ### APPLET Payment >Support xx payment of UnionPay and Alipay. **REQUEST** ``` json ``` **RESPONSE** ```json ``` ### QRCODE Payment >Support xx payment of UnionPay and Alipay. **REQUEST** ``` json ``` **RESPONSE** ```json ``` ## Create Order(PPRO) ## Create Order(EVO) ## Create Order(FC) ## Checkout # Order Query >Query the status of `payment` transaction. **REQUEST** ``` json ``` **RESPONSE** ```json ``` # Refund > Refund only support successful payment transaction. **REQUEST** ``` json ``` **RESPONSE** ```json ``` # Async Notify ## Notify Payment Result > .... **REQUEST** ``` json ``` **RESPONSE** ```json ``` ## Notify Refund Result > .... **REQUEST** ``` json ``` **RESPONSE** ```json ```