# 支付-PPRO ## 接口说明 该接口为接入商家提供消费购买的功能,适用于PPRO渠道。 ## 请求路径 >`POST` /api/v5/createorder # 请求参数 | 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | | ------------- | ----- | --- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | paymentBrand | String|是 | 支付品牌,参考[交易场景和支持品牌](#交易场景和支持品牌)| | tradeFrom | String|是 | 交易场景,参考[交易场景和支持品牌](#交易场景和支持品牌)| | orderNum | String|是 | 订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复| | orderAmount | String|是 | 订单金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00 | | orderCurrency | String|是 | 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD" | | frontURL | String|是 | 支付完成后前端跳转到该URL。GET请求,参数详见[支付结果通知(回调)](/op_api/result_pay) | | backURL | String|是 | 支付结果异步通知到该URL。支付成功后,GoAllPay 会以 POST JSON 方式调用 backURL 通知支付结果(详见[支付结果通知(回调)](/op_api/result_pay))。商户在接收到通知后,需响应字符串“OK”。
如果没有收到商户响应“OK”,GoAllPay将会过一段时间后重新推送,时间间隔为[15, 15, 15, 30, 180, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400],单位为秒。 | | merID | String|是 | 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配 | | goodsInfo | String|是 | 商品信息。注意不要包含特殊符号,如 "#","&","+" 等 | | detailInfo | String|是 | 商品明细。
格式:[{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}],需Base64编码后上送。注意goods_name不要包含特殊符号,如 "#","&","+" 等 | | transTime | String|是 | 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss" | | merReserve | String|否 | 预留内容,商户自定义。注意不要包含特殊符号,如 "#","&","+" 等 | | osType | String|是 | 用户操作系统类型。
"IOS","ANDROID","HARMONYOS","WINDOWS","MAC","OTHER" 选其中一个上送 | | osVersion | String|否 | 用户操作系统版本。示例:"10.0.19043" | | userIP | String|是 | 用户IP | | userID | String|是 | 用户在商家的唯一ID | | logisticsStreet| String|是 | 收货地址。若为虚拟物品,填写用户邮箱地址 | | signType | String|是 | SHA256 | | signature | String|是 | 签名 | | countrycode | String|是 | The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). | | accountholdername | String|是 | The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 characters. | | consumerref | String|否 | Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
paymentBrand为 aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, webpay,时为必填 | | nationalid | String|否 | 签名Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
paymentBrand为 aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, webpay,santander, pagofacil, rapipago时为必填 | | email | String|否 | RFC compliant email address of the account holder
paymentBrand为 aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, ,webpay,dragonpay, enets,payu, p24, safetypay,sepaddmodela,santander, pagofacil, rapipago,konbini, payeasy,doku, ov时为必填 | | address | String|否 | Consumer's address
paymentBrand为 aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, webpay,时为必填 | | zipcode | String|否 | Consumer's zip/postal code
paymentBrand为 aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, webpay,时为必填 | | phone | String|否 | Valid international phone number of the account holder
paymentBrand为 dragonpay, enets,konbini, payeasy时为必填 | | mobilephone | String|否 | Valid international Russian mobile phone number identifying the QIWI destination account to pay out to (excluding plus sign or any other international prefixes, including a leading 7 for Russia, 11 digits in total, e.g. 71234567890).
paymentBrand为 qiwi时为必填 | | siteid | String|否 | Unique site identifier, forwarded to qiwi. Required for clients serving multiple points of sale.

paymentBrand为 qiwi时为必填 | | iban | String |否 | Valid IBAN

paymentBrand为 sepaddmodela时为必填 | | iteminfo | String |否 | Information about the item(s) being purchased, displayed on the payment page (up to 22 characters)

paymentBrand为 konbini, payeasy时为必填 | | orderitems | String |否 | The list of items being purchased formatted as a JSON array. Allowed characters: alphanumeric, blank space, a hyphen, underscore, and dot.
paymentBrand为 doku, ovo时为必填:

Each item contains the following fields:
• name: The name of the item. No commas
• price: The price of the item in major units. The cents must be in 00.
• quantity: The number of items bought. Integer.
• totalcost: The price multiplied by the quantity, in major units. The cents must be in 00.

The total transaction amount is 32000.00

paymentBrand为 klarna时为必填:

Field description:
• name: String. Descriptive name of the order line item.
• quantity: Integer. Quantity of the order line item. Must be a non-negative number.
• tax_rate: Integer. Tax rate of the order line. Non-negative value. The percentage value is represented with two implicit decimals. I.e 1000 = 10%.
• total_amount: Integer. Total amount of the order line. Must be defined as non-negative minor units. Includes tax and discount. Eg: 2500=25 euros. Value = (quantity _ unit_price) - total_discount_amount. (max value: 100000000)
• total_discount_amount: Integer. Non-negative minor units. Includes tax. Eg: 500=5 euros.
• total_tax_amount: Integer. Total tax amount of the order line. Must be within ±1 of total_amount - total_amount _ 10000 / (10000 + tax_rate). Negative when type is discount.
• unit_price: Integer. Price for a single unit of the order line. Non-negative minor units. Includes tax, excludes discount. (max value: 100000000) | | taxamount | String |否 | The total tax amount of the order in the currency's minor units. This information is essential to provide detailed purchase information to the consumer (e.g., on the invoice).

paymentBrand为 klarna时为必填 | | paymentmethodcategory | String |否 | The payment method category.

paymentBrand为 klarna时为选填 | | billingaddress | String |否 | The billing address. It is passed as a JSON string.

{\"city\":\"Munich\",\"country\":\"DE\",\"email\":\"test.customer@mpay.int\",\"phone\":\"07792555555\",\"family_name\":\"Doe\",\"given_name\":\"John Doe\",\"postal_code\":\"EH12 3AB\",\"street_address\":\"Ocean Point\"}

paymentBrand为 klarna时为必填 | ## 响应参数 | 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | | --------- | ----------- | -- | ----------------------------- | | RespCode | String(2) | 是 | 应答码,00表示请求成功 | | RespMsg | String(256) | 是 | 应答信息 | | merID | String(15) | 否 | 商户ID | | orderNum | String(60) | 否 | 订单号 | | transID | String(32) | 否 | GoAllPay流水号 | | parameter | Object | 否 | 支付相关参数。RespCode为00且非后台支付模式时返回 | 响应参数parameter详情 **响应参数`parameter`说明:** (1) H5交易场景(tradeFrom=`H5`) | 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | | -------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------------------- | | payUrl | String | 否 | 支付URL | ## 交易场景和支持品牌 tradeFrom|支持paymentBrand列表|交易示例 ---|---|--- H5|directpay, boleto, webpay, trustpay, skrill, sepaddmodela, safetypay, qiwi, p24, poli, paysafecard, mybank, itau, ideal, hipercard, giropay, eps, enets, dragonpay, bancodobrasil, baloto, aura, payu, bcmc, santander, pagofacil, rapipago, konbini, payeasy, doku, ovo, grabpayotp, klarna|[报文示例](https://local.allpayx.com/#/api_examples?id=create-orderppro)