### 1 FC

#### 1.1 Bound card payment

There are two modes of card binding

(1) The user chooses to add a card on the merchant platform, and then jumps to the card binding page of GoAllPay. The user enters the card number information on this page. If the card binding fails, the merchant will be notified of the failure; if the card binding is successful, "token + customerID + the last four digits of the card number" will be returned to the merchant.

 Exclusive field

| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ------ | ---- | ---- |
| tradeFrom | String | M    | "H5" |

(2) The merchant collects the card number information by himself and sends it to the GoAllPay gateway through the API.

 Exclusive field

| Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
| ---------- | ------ | ---- | ----------------- |
| tradeFrom  | String | M    | "API"             |
| cardno     | String | M    | Card number              |
| cvv2       | String | M    | cvv2              |
| ExpiryDate | String | M    | Validity period: Format MM / YY |

Test card:

Card Number: 4761340000000019
Expiry Date: 1217
CVV2: 830

Card Number: 5204730000002555
Expiry Date: 1225
CVV2: 123