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GoAllPay Integration Specification V5.0.0

Shanghai GoAllPay Technology Co., Ltd.

  • Version:English V5.0.0
  • Update Time:2019/04


GoAllPay provides customers with unified API access to help them implement fast, secure and centralized access payment channels.

2.Transaction process


3.Description of verifying the signature

1.For a POST request message sent to the GoAllPay system, in which all incoming parameters (except signature parameters) according to the field name of ASCII smallest sequence (dictionary), using the format of the URL key/value pair (key1 = value1 & key2 = value2... ) spliced into a string String1.

2.At the end of String1, the signature Key (assigned at GoAllPay upon access) agreed by both parties is spliced directly (no need to connect with "&"), resulting in a stringSignTemp string, and an encryption on stringSignTemp to get the value of signature.

3.Sample signature string: acqID=99020344&backURL=

4.Common interface

Common interface includes notification, asynchronous notification of transactions, transaction inquiry, refund, refund inquiry interface.

4.1 General API access address

Interface Name Test URL Production URL
Refund inquiry
Pre-authorization completed
Manual refund application
Card binding
Card unbundling
Card payment

4.2 Purchase interface

1.Interface specification

This interface provides the function of purchase transaction for access merchants.

2.Request message format

This field is a list of common fields, sending, every channel needs some channel channel exclusive field, specific fields please go to the channel's exclusive canal to the fields that view. Consumer interface is divided into jump transformation and parameters return type, default to jump transformation, parameters return type will be explained in chapter 5 channels (exclusive) inside.

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "PURC"
orderNum String(60) M Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number
orderAmount String(12) M Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD"
frontURL String(400) M When the payment is complete, jump to the address
backURL String(400) M Payment results are asynchronously notified to this address
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID:Click Here
goodsInfo String(60) M Commodity information, displayed on the payment page
detailInfo String(400) M Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires base-64 encoding of this field before signing and sending.
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
merReserve String(1024) O Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas.
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Jump transformation Purchase interface response message

The merchant needs to provide an HTTP/HTTPS protocol interface that is included in the parameters passed to the SDK, the backURL. After the payment is complete, the GoAllPay server will call the backURL as a POST, informing the payment result (JSON). When merchant receive the notification, the merchant is required to response String "OK".

If we didn't receive "OK" from merchant,GoAllPay will resend the response message to merchant.Time interval is[15, 15, 30, 180, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400, 14400], the unit is second.

Parameters as follows:

parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "PURC"
orderNum String(60) M Order number
orderAmount String(12) M Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID:Click Here
RespCode String(2) M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details.
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time.
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
merReserve String(1024) O Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas.
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

4.3 Inqiury interface

1.Interface specification

This interface provides the function of inqiury transaction for access merchants.

(1) Interface supplement

  • After the merchant initiates the consumer transaction, the status of the consumer transaction can be queried through the interface.

(2) Interface transaction process

2.Request message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "INQY"
orderNum String(60) M Original payment order number
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID:Click Here
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Response message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "INQY"
orderNum String(60) M Original payment order number
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID:Click Here
RespCode String(2) M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details.
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time
signType String(3) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

4.4 Refund interface

1.Interface specification

This interface provides access to merchants with a refund of transactions.

(1) Interface supplement

  • The interface is initiated after the consumer transaction is successful, and the original order number is required to be specified.
  • International credit card transactions cannot be refunded on the same day, can be revoked, and can only be refunded every other day.
  • Under normal circumstances, the refund amount of the merchant on the day shall not be greater than the successful transaction amount on the day.

(2) Interface transaction process

2.Request message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "REFD"
orderNum String(60) M Refund order number: it is defined by the merchant, and the refund order number under the same merchant number cannot be repeated
origOrderNum String(60) M Original trade order number
returnAmount String(12) M Refund amount: if 100 yuan, it is 100 or 100.00
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID:Click Here
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
signType String(3) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Response message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "REFD"
orderNum String(60) M Refund order number
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID:Click Here
RespCode String(2) M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details.
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

4.5 Refund Inqiury interface

1.Interface specification

This interface provides the function of refund inqiury transaction for access merchants.

(1) Interface supplement

  • This interface is used by the merchant to check the processing status of the refund transaction after the refund is initiated.

(2) Interface transaction process

2.Request message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "RFQY"
orderNum String(60) M Refund order number
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID:Click Here
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Response message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "RFQY"
orderNum String(60) M Refund order number
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID:Click Here
RespCode String(2) M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details.
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

4.6 Pre-authorization interface

1.Interface specification

The pre-authorization interface is suitable for international credit card transactions, including VISA, MasterCard, JCB and other card brands. Pre-authorized transactions will not participate in liquidation, and the issuing bank will temporarily freeze user funds.

2.Request message format

The fields listed below are common fields, and each channel needs to be sent. Some channels have exclusive fields. For details, please refer to Chapter 5, Channel-Specific Configuration.

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "PAUT"
orderNum String(60) M Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number
orderAmount String(12) M Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD"
frontURL String(400) M When the payment is complete, jump to the address
backURL String(400) M Payment results are asynchronously notified to this address
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
goodsInfo String(60) M Commodity information, displayed on the payment page
detailInfo String(400) M Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires base-64 encoding of this field before signing and sending.
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
merReserve String(1024) O Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas.
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Response message

The merchant needs to provide an HTTP/HTTPS protocol interface that is included in the parameters passed to the SDK, the backURL. After the payment is complete, the GoAllPay server will call the backURL as a POST, informing the payment result (JSON). When merchant receive the notification, the merchant is required to response String "OK".

If we didn't receive "OK" from merchant,GoAllPay will resend the response message to merchant.Time interval is[15, 15, 30, 180, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400, 14400], the unit is second.

Parameters as follows:

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "PAUT"
orderNum String(60) M Order number
orderAmount String(12) M Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD"
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
RespCode String(2) M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details.
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time.
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
merReserve String(1024) O Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas.
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

4.7 Pre-authorization completion interface

1.Interface specification

The pre-authorization completion interface is applicable to international credit card transactions, including VISA, MasterCard, JCB and other card brands. The pre-authorization completion transaction is similar to the consumer transaction. After the transaction is successful, the merchant will be liquidated.

(1) Interface supplement

  • The interface is initiated after the pre-authorization transaction is successful, and the original pre-authorization order number is required to be specified, and the time is separated by no more than 30 days.
  • The pre-authorization completion transaction amount cannot be greater than the pre-authorized transaction amount.
  • Pre-authorized transactions that only support one successful pre-authorization completion transaction.

(2) Interface transaction process

2.Request message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "PAUC"
orderNum String(60) M Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number
origOrderNum String(60) M Pre-authorized order number
orderAmount String(12) M Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", US dollar filling in "USD"
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Response message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "PAUC"
orderNum String(60) M Order number
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
RespCode String(2) M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details.
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time.
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

4.8 Cancellation interface

1.Interface specification

The cancellation interface is suitable for international credit card transactions, including VISA, MasterCard, JCB and other card brands.

(1) Interface supplement

  • This interface supports the cancellation of international credit card transactions, including consumption, pre-authorization, and pre-authorization completion.
  • When withdrawing consumption, you can only support the cancellation of the day's trading (note: after 23:00 Beijing time, it is considered the next day). For non-day trading, it can be processed through the refund interface.

(2) Interface transaction process

2.Request message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "VOID"
orderNum String(60) M Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number
origOrderNum String(60) M Original transaction order number: The order number to be revoked, which can be consumption, pre-authorization, pre-authorization completed orderNum
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Response message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "VOID"
orderNum String(60) M Order number of cancellation
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
RespCode String(2) M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details.
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time.
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

4.9 Manual refund application interface

1.Interface specification

To refund the transaction before 90 days, the merchant can't process the online refund interface, but need to call the interface to initiate the refund application. After the application is successful, our business staff will handle it manually. The processing period is about 3 to 5 working days. The refund application transaction will be successfully refunded after manual processing, and the transaction will be liquidated.

2.Request message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "REFDREQ"
orderNum String(60) M Refund order number: it is defined by the merchant, and the refund order number under the same merchant number cannot be repeated
origOrderNum String(60) M Original trade order number
returnAmount String(12) M Refund amount: if 100 yuan, it is 100 or 100.00
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
signType String(3) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Response message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "REFDREQ"
orderNum String(60) M Refund order number
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
RespCode String(2) M 00 means the application has been accepted
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

4.10 Card binding interface

1.Interface specification

​ Provide users with card binding function

2.Request message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
transType String(10) M "BIND"
orderNum String(60) M Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"
customerId String(60) M User ID: It is defined by the merchant, and it cannot be repeated under the same merchant number.
frontURL String(400) M Binding result front-end jump address
backURL String(400) M After binding successfully, it will be notified to this address asynchronously
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Response message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
transType String(10) M "BIND"
orderNum String(60) M Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
RespCode String(2) M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details.
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
token String(32) O Returned when the response code is 00
customerId String(60) O User ID: It is defined by the merchant, and it cannot be repeated under the same merchant number.
cardNoTail String(4) O The last four digits of the card number, return when the channel is FC
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

4.11 Card unbundling interface

1.Interface specification

Unbound card

2.Request message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
transType String(10) M "UNBIND"
orderNum String(60) M Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"
customerId String(60) M User ID: It is defined by the merchant, and it cannot be repeated under the same merchant number.
token String(32) M The token returned after the card is successfully bound
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Response message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
transType String(10) M "UNBIND"
orderNum String(60) M Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
RespCode String(2) M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details.
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
customerId String(60) O User ID: It is defined by the merchant, and it cannot be repeated under the same merchant number.
cardNoTail String(4) O The last four digits of the card number, return when the channel is FC
token String(32) O token
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

4.12 Card payment interface

1.Interface specification

Card-tied consumer payment, debits the user based on the token returned when the card was tied.

2.Request message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "PURC"
orderNum String(60) M Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number
orderAmount String(12) M Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"
backURL String(400) M Payment results are asynchronously notified to this address
customerId String(60) M User ID: It is defined by the merchant, and it cannot be repeated under the same merchant number.
token String(32) M The token returned after the card is successfully bound
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
detailInfo String(400) M Product details format: [{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}], which requires base-64 encoding of this field before signing and sending.
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
merReserve String(1024) O Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas.
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

3.Response message format

Parameter Type Required Description
version String(12) M "VER000000005"
charSet String(6) M "UTF-8"
transType String(4) M "PURC"
orderNum String(60) M Order number: it is defined by the merchant itself, and the order number must not be repeated for the same merchant number
orderAmount String(12) M Order amount: if 100 yuan, it will be 100 or 100.00
orderCurrency String(3) M Currency of the order: ISO standard, such as RMB filling in "CNY", us dollar filling in "USD"
merID String(15) M Merchant ID, assigned by GoAllPay
acqID String(11) M "99020344"
paymentSchema String(10) M Channel ID: "FC"
RespCode String(2) M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail. See Chapter 6 Response Codes in this document for details.
RespMsg String(20) M Response message
transID String(32) M The unique transaction id generated by the gateway.
GWTime String(14) M yyyyMMddHHmmss this should be a GWtime, currently is local transaction time
transTime String(14) M Transaction time, format :" yyyyMMddHHmmss"
merReserve String(1024) O Merchant reserved content, can pass any content, such as purchase information, account number, etc., but do not pass special symbols, such as commas.
signType String(10) M "MD5" or "SHA256"
signature String(32) M MD5 or SHA256 signature

5.Channel exclusive allocation

5.1 WX

5.1.1 QR code no jump mode

This mode returns the URL value of WeChat payment collection for parameter return, ask the merchant to convert it into QR code, generate the front interface of payment, and prompt the user to scan the code to pay.

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "QRCODE"

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
code_url String O Characters to generate QR code. When RespCode=00 returns it.

5.1.2 QR code jump mode

It's jump mode, open the front-end page provided by GoAllPay, which contains WeChat QR code.

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "QUICK"

5.1.3 WeChat Official Accounts payment

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "JSAPI"

5.1.4 WeChat Mini Programs payment

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "APPLET"
openid String M Wechat openid

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
sdk_params String O Required parameter for Mini Program payment(JSON). When RespCode=00 returns it.

Parameter sdk_params is used to call up the WeChat Mini Programs payment. Please refer to the Mini Programs integration specification.

5.1.5 APP mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "APP"

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
tn String O Transaction serial number. Required parameter for Wechat app payment. When RespCode=00 returns it.

After getting tn, call the SDK to pay according to Section 7 of this document.

5.2 AP

5.2.1 WebSite mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "WEB"

5.2.2 H5 mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "JSAPI"

5.2.3 APP mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "APP"

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
tn String O Transaction serial number. Required parameter for Wechat app payment. When RespCode=00 returns it.

After getting tn, call the SDK to pay according to Section 7 of this document.

5.2.4 QR code no jump mode

This mode returns the URL value of WeChat payment collection for parameter return, ask the merchant to convert it into QR code, generate the front interface of payment, and prompt the user to scan the code to pay.

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "QRCODE"

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
code_url String O Characters to generate QR code. When RespCode=00 returns it.

5.3 UP

5.3.1 H5 mode, adaptive PC and mobile

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "H5"

5.3.2 APP mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "APP"

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
tn String O Transaction serial number. Required parameter for Wechat app payment. When RespCode=00 returns it.

After getting tn, call the SDK to pay according to Section 7 of this document.

5.3.3 QR code no jump mode

This mode returns the URL value of WeChat payment collection for parameter return, ask the merchant to convert it into QR code, generate the front interface of payment, and prompt the user to scan the code to pay.

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "QRCODE"

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
code_url String O Characters to generate QR code. When RespCode=00 returns it.
Test cards:

Credit card:6250947000000014
mobile:+852 11112222
cvn2:  123
exp date: month 12 year 33
SMS Code on PC: 111111
SMS Code on Mobile: 123456

Debit card:6223164991230014
PIN: 111111
cvn2:  123
exp date: month 12 year 33
SMS Code on PC:111111
SMS Code on Mobile:123456

Credit card:8171999927660000
mobile:+852 11112222
cvn2:  123
exp date: month 12 year 30
SMS Code on PC: 111111
SMS Code on Mobile: 123456

5.4 Apple Pay

5.4.1 APP mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "APP"

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
tn String O Transaction serial number. Required parameter for Wechat app payment. When RespCode=00 returns it.

After getting tn, call the SDK to pay according to Section 7 of this document.

5.5 CA

5.5.1 APP mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "APP"

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
tn String O Transaction serial number. Required parameter for CA app payment. When RespCode=00 returns it.

After you get tn,please integrate according to Android Integration Specification


5.6.1 H5 mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "H5"
firstname String M This is name of the customer who is doing the transaction.
email String M this is email id of the customer who is doing transaction
phone String M Phone number of the customer
customerId String O Customer ID, when client register on merchant, merchant distribute it to client.
Test environment configuration:

Modify the test machine hosts file, add the following two information.

Test card:

Card number:5123456789012346
Validity period:0520

5.7 EB

5.7.1 H5 mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "H5"
firstname String M This is name of the customer who is doing the transaction.
email String M this is email id of the customer who is doing transaction
phone String M Phone number of the customer

5.8 PF

5.8.1 H5 mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "H5"
email String M email
transport_express String M tracking number
Test card:

Card Number: 4242424242424242
Expriation Date: 1122
CVC: 111

5.9 APHK

5.9.1 H5 mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "JSAPI"

5.9.2 QR code no jump mode

This mode returns the URL value of WeChat payment collection for parameter return, ask the merchant to convert it into QR code, generate the front interface of payment, and prompt the user to scan the code to pay.

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "QRCODE"

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
code_url String O Characters to generate QR code. When RespCode=00 returns it.

5.9.3 APP mode

Purchase interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "APP"

Response message:

Parameter Type Required Description
RespCode String M 00 stands for success; 01 stands for fail.
RespMsg String M Response message
tn String O Transaction serial number. Required parameter for Wechat app payment. When RespCode=00 returns it.

After getting tn, call the SDK to pay according to Section 7 of this document.

5.10 FC

5.10.1 Purchase/Pre-authorization

Purchase/Pre-authorization interface specific fields

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "H5"

5.10.2 Bound card payment

There are two modes of card binding

(1) The user chooses to add a card on the merchant platform, and then jumps to the card binding page of GoAllPay. The user enters the card number information on this page. If the card binding fails, the merchant will be notified of the failure; if the card binding is successful, "token + customerID + the last four digits of the card number" will be returned to the merchant.

Exclusive field

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "H5"

(2) The merchant collects the card number information by himself and sends it to the GoAllPay gateway through the API.

Exclusive field

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "API"
cardno String M Card number
cvv2 String M cvv2
ExpiryDate String M Validity period: Format MM / YY
Test card:

Card Number: 4761340000000019
Expiry Date: 1217
CVV2: 830

Card Number: 5204730000002555
Expiry Date: 1225
CVV2: 123

5.11 RevPay

5.11.1 H5 mode

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "H5"
bankCode String M Bank Code. Test environment filled in TEST0021, production environment click here for details
Test card:
FPX Test Card
Payment ID : 3
Bank Code : TEST0021
Bank Name : SBI Bank A
User Id : 1234
Password : 1234

5.12 AliPayLocal

5.12.1 H5 mode

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "H5"
sub_brand_code String M "gcash" or "dana"

5.13 PO

5.13.1 H5 mode

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "H5"
countrycode String M The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE). For details see payment method specific documentation.
accountholdername String M The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 charac- ters.
tag String M Value:directpay, boleto, webpay, trustpay, skrill, singpost, sepaddmodela, safetypay, qiwi, p24, poli, paysafecard, mybank, itau, ideal, hipercard, giropay, eps, enets, dragonpay, bancodobrasil, baloto, aura, payu, bcmc When tag is paysafecard, you should add the following parameters:
Parameter Type Required Description
consumerref String M Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20} When tag is in aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, webpay , you should add the following parameters:
Parameter Type Required Description
consumerref String M Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
nationalid String M Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
email String M RFC compliant email address of the account holder
address String M Consumer's address
zipcode String M Consumer's zip/postal code
dob String O Date of birth, format YYYYMMDD When tag is in dragonpay, enets, singpost , you should add the following parameters:
Parameter Type Required Description
email String M RFC compliant email address of the account holder
phone String M Valid international phone number of the account holder When tag is in giropay, directpay, you should add the following parameters:
Parameter Type Required Description
bic String O Valid BIC (8 or 11 alphanumeric letters) of consumer’s bank When tag is in payu, p24, safetypay, you should add the following parameters:
Parameter Type Required Description
email String M RFC compliant email address of the account holder When tag is qiwi, you should add the following parameters:
Parameter Type Required Description
mobilephone String M Valid international Russian mobile phone number identifying the QIWI destination account to pay out to (excluding plus sign or any other international prefixes, including a leading 7 for Russia, 11 digits in total, e.g. 71234567890).
siteid String M Unique site identifier, forwarded to qiwi. Required for clients serving multiple points of sale. When tag is skrill, you should add the following parameters:
Parameter Type Required Description
email String O RFC compliant email address of the account holder
address String O Consumer's address
zipcode String O Consumer's zip/postal code
city String O Consumer’s city When tag is is sepaddmodela, you should add the following parameters:
Parameter Type Required Description
email String M RFC compliant email address of the account holder
iban String M Valid IBAN When tag is bcmc, you should add the following parameters:
Parameter Type Required Description
BEPURL String O Trigger URL for mobile payment options in the form BEP://1BC.GIROGATE.DE/BCMC/123456789$ICAE3BUIH5P9U53Y5HKA9CRT (contrived example).

5.14 India_Netbanking

5.14.1 H5 mode

You should add the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
tradeFrom String M "H5"
bank_code String M bank list
email String M Must contain valid e-mail of customer
phone String M Must contain valid phone number of customer
firstname String M Customer first name
lastname String M Customer last name
address String M address
zip_code String M ZIP code
city String M City
country String M Country code in ISO 3166
state String M State code in ISO 3166-2, required for USA and Canada
document_id String M Document ID of the consumer.


RespCode Description
00 Success
01 Fail
04 Processing
61 Exceed the limit
U1 Merchant ID is not exsit
U2 Signature is not correct
U3 Message is tampered
U4 Missing parameter
U5 Invalid parameter
U6 Repeat order number
U7 Order is not exist
U8 Parameter is null
U9 System error
P1 Channel is not setted
P2 Currency is not setted
P3 Balance is not enough
P4 Function is not supported
P5 Channel returns "Error"

7.APP mode integration specification

Android Integration Specification:Click Here

iOS Integration Specification:Click Here

8.Technical support

If you have problems with debugging, please contact us: