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RespCode reason.code reason.text
00 00 成功
P5 USER_KYC_NOT_QUALIFIED User is not qualified for the KYC verification.
P5 MERCHANT_NOT_REGISTERED The merchant is not registered.
P5 USER_PAYMENT_VERIFICATION_FAILED User fails to pass the payment verification in the methods like OTP, PIN and so on.
P5 INVALID_CONTRACT The contract is invalid.
P5 USER_STATUS_ABNORMAL The user status is abnormal.
P5 UNAVAILABLE_PAYMENT_METHOD The payment method is unavailable.
P5 PAYMENT_IN_PROCESS The payment is being processed.
P5 RISK_REJECT The request is rejected because of the risk control.
P5 BUSINESS_NOT_SUPPORT The payment business is not supported.
P5 INVALID_TOKEN The access token is invalid.
P5 EXPIRED_ACCESS_TOKEN The access token is expired.
P5 REPEAT_REQ_INCONSISTENT Repeated requests are inconsistent.
P5 ORDER_IS_CLOSED The order is closed.
P5 CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORT The currency is not supported.
P5 USER_BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH The user balance is not enough for the payment.
P5 USER_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMIT The payment amount exceeds the payment limit that is specified by the user's digital wallet.
P5 PAYMENT_AMOUNT_EXCEED_LIMIT The payment amount exceeds the limit that is specified by Alipay+.
P5 PAYMENT_COUNT_EXCEED_LIMIT The number of payments exceeds the limit.
P5 USER_NOT_EXIST The user does not exist.
P5 UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION An API call failed, which is caused by unknown reasons.
P5 PROCESS_FAIL A general business failure occurred. Do not retry.
P5 PARAM_ILLEGAL Illegal parameters. For example, non-numeric input, invalid date.