tao.zhou 5 rokov pred
1 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 1 pridanie a 4 odobranie
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+ 1 - 4

@@ -18,10 +18,7 @@ p24|Przelewy24 only works for the countrycode "PL" and currencies "PLN" and "EUR
 safetypay|SafetyPay only works for country codes "AT", "BE", "BR", "CL", "CR", "DE", "EC", "ES", "MX", "NL", "PE" and currencies "EUR", "USD".
 qiwi|QIWI Payout only works for the countrycodes "RU", "KZ" and "UA", and - depending on your contract - currency "RUB" , "EUR" ,"KZT" and "USD".
 sepaddmodela|SEPA Direct Debit works for all SEPA countries and currency EUR.
-skrill|Skrill works for worldwide and currency EUR. In addition, the account holder name passed in the request has to be in the format <firstname><space><lastname>, with
-lastname having a minimum length of two characters and the total string a minimum length of five. Multiple
-first names are ok, valid examples are “John Dorian”, “William Charles Dickinson”. If these conditions are not
-met, the system will not accept the request.
+skrill|Skrill works for worldwide and currency EUR. In addition, the account holder name passed in the request has to be in the format <firstname><space><lastname>, with lastname having a minimum length of two characters and the total string a minimum length of five. Multiple first names are ok, valid examples are “John Dorian”, “William Charles Dickinson”. If these conditions are not met, the system will not accept the request.
 eps|eps only works for the countrycode "AT" and currency "EUR".
 ideal|iDEAL only works for the countrycode "NL" and currency "EUR".
 mybank|MyBank only works for the country code IT and currency EUR.