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POST /api/v5/createorder

# 请求参数

参数 类型 必填 描述
paymentBrand String 支付品牌,参考交易场景和支持品牌
tradeFrom String 交易场景,参考交易场景和支持品牌
orderNum String 订单号:商户自行定义,需保证同一商户号下订单号不能重复
orderAmount String 订单金额:如 100 元,表示为 100 或 100.00
orderCurrency String 订单币种:ISO标准。如:人民币填写“CNY”,美元填写"USD"
frontURL String 支付完成后前端跳转到该URL。GET请求,参数详见支付结果通知(回调)
backURL String 支付结果异步通知到该URL。支付成功后,GoAllPay 会以 POST JSON 方式调用 backURL 通知支付结果(详见支付结果通知(回调))。商户在接收到通知后,需响应字符串“OK”。
如果没有收到商户响应“OK”,GoAllPay将会过一段时间后重新推送,时间间隔为[15, 15, 15, 30, 180, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400],单位为秒。
merID String 商户 ID,由 GoAllPay 分配
goodsInfo String 商品信息。注意不要包含特殊符号,如 "#","&","+" 等
detailInfo String 商品明细。
格式:[{"goods_name":"iPhone X","quantity":"2"},{"goods_name":"iPhone 8","quantity":"4"}],需Base64编码后上送。注意goods_name不要包含特殊符号,如 "#","&","+" 等
transTime String 交易时间,格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"
merReserve String 预留内容,商户自定义。注意不要包含特殊符号,如 "#","&","+" 等
osType String 用户操作系统类型。
osVersion String 用户操作系统版本。示例:"10.0.19043"
userIP String 用户IP
userID String 用户在商家的唯一ID
logisticsStreet String 收货地址。若为虚拟物品,填写用户邮箱地址
signType String SHA256
signature String 签名
countrycode String The 2-letter ISO country code of the country in which the payment instrument is issued/operated (e.g. DE).
accountholdername String The account holder - minimum of 3 characters, up to 100 characters.
consumerref String Unique reference identifying the consumer, has to satisfy the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9.%,&/+*$-]{1,20}
paymentBrand为 aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, webpay,时为必填
nationalid String 签名Consumer’s national id (up to 30 characters)
paymentBrand为 aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, webpay,santander, pagofacil, rapipago时为必填
email String RFC compliant email address of the account holder
paymentBrand为 aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, ,webpay,dragonpay, enets,payu, p24, safetypay,sepaddmodela,santander, pagofacil, rapipago,konbini, payeasy,doku, ov时为必填
address String Consumer's address
paymentBrand为 aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, webpay,时为必填
zipcode String Consumer's zip/postal code
paymentBrand为 aura, baloto, bancodobrasil, boleto, hipercard, itau, webpay,时为必填
phone String Valid international phone number of the account holder
paymentBrand为 dragonpay, enets,konbini, payeasy时为必填
mobilephone String Valid international Russian mobile phone number identifying the QIWI destination account to pay out to (excluding plus sign or any other international prefixes, including a leading 7 for Russia, 11 digits in total, e.g. 71234567890).
paymentBrand为 qiwi时为必填
siteid String Unique site identifier, forwarded to qiwi. Required for clients serving multiple points of sale.

paymentBrand为 qiwi时为必填
iban String Valid IBAN

paymentBrand为 sepaddmodela时为必填
iteminfo String Information about the item(s) being purchased, displayed on the payment page (up to 22 characters)

paymentBrand为 konbini, payeasy时为必填
orderitems String The list of items being purchased formatted as a JSON array. Allowed characters: alphanumeric, blank space, a hyphen, underscore, and dot.
paymentBrand为 doku, ovo时为必填:

Each item contains the following fields:
• name: The name of the item. No commas
• price: The price of the item in major units. The cents must be in 00.
• quantity: The number of items bought. Integer.
• totalcost: The price multiplied by the quantity, in major units. The cents must be in 00.

The total transaction amount is 32000.00

paymentBrand为 klarna时为必填:

Field description:
• name: String. Descriptive name of the order line item.
• quantity: Integer. Quantity of the order line item. Must be a non-negative number.
• tax_rate: Integer. Tax rate of the order line. Non-negative value. The percentage value is represented with two implicit decimals. I.e 1000 = 10%.
• total_amount: Integer. Total amount of the order line. Must be defined as non-negative minor units. Includes tax and discount. Eg: 2500=25 euros. Value = (quantity _ unit_price) - total_discount_amount. (max value: 100000000)
• total_discount_amount: Integer. Non-negative minor units. Includes tax. Eg: 500=5 euros.
• total_tax_amount: Integer. Total tax amount of the order line. Must be within ±1 of total_amount - total_amount _ 10000 / (10000 + tax_rate). Negative when type is discount.
• unit_price: Integer. Price for a single unit of the order line. Non-negative minor units. Includes tax, excludes discount. (max value: 100000000)
taxamount String The total tax amount of the order in the currency's minor units. This information is essential to provide detailed purchase information to the consumer (e.g., on the invoice).

paymentBrand为 klarna时为必填
paymentmethodcategory String The payment method category.

paymentBrand为 klarna时为选填
billingaddress String The billing address. It is passed as a JSON string.

{\"city\":\"Munich\",\"country\":\"DE\",\"email\":\"\",\"phone\":\"07792555555\",\"family_name\":\"Doe\",\"given_name\":\"John Doe\",\"postal_code\":\"EH12 3AB\",\"street_address\":\"Ocean Point\"}

paymentBrand为 klarna时为必填


| 参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | | --------- | ----------- | -- | ----------------------------- | | RespCode | String(2) | 是 | 应答码,00表示请求成功 | | RespMsg | String(256) | 是 | 应答信息 | | merID | String(15) | 否 | 商户ID | | orderNum | String(60) | 否 | 订单号 | | transID | String(32) | 否 | GoAllPay流水号 | | parameter | Object | 否 | 支付相关参数。RespCode为00且非后台支付模式时返回 |

响应参数parameter详情 响应参数parameter说明:

(1) H5交易场景(tradeFrom=H5)

参数 类型 必填 描述
payUrl String 支付URL


tradeFrom 支持paymentBrand列表 交易示例
H5 directpay, boleto, webpay, trustpay, skrill, sepaddmodela, safetypay, qiwi, p24, poli, paysafecard, mybank, itau, ideal, hipercard, giropay, eps, enets, dragonpay, bancodobrasil, baloto, aura, payu, bcmc, santander, pagofacil, rapipago, konbini, payeasy, doku, ovo, grabpayotp, klarna 报文示例